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发布时间:2018-05-31 22:50

  本文选题:小大人 + “小大人”儿童观 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:纵观中西方文化历史,“小大人”儿童观由来已久。在古代,由于人类主体的自我认识水平较低,成人中心主义也曾主导着人们对待儿童的态度,因此,儿童只是被视为身体上比成人矮小的“小大人”而己。在当下,由于受中国传统文化的消极影响,加上竞争激烈的社会背景和人才选拔制度的推波助澜,“小大人”儿童观仍然有其存在的现实土壤。虽然在不同的历史时期,“小大人”儿童观所承载的内涵和意蕴不同,但它们却有着同样的表现,即人们自觉或不自觉地把儿童看作缩小的成人,以成人的标准来要求孩子。其本质就是尚未发现儿童期的特殊意义与价值,尚未发现儿童与成人的本质区别。 在“小大人”儿童观的影响下,古代的儿童教育表现为:教育内容注重伦理道德的灌输和儒家经典的诵读;教学方法注重形式,死记硬背;教材内容的选择和编排忽视儿童的认知特点;另外,教育中强调“勤有功,戏无益”、“趋静”等教育观念。当代的儿童教育也同样存在着一系列问题。家长们望子成龙心切,不由自主地加入到催促儿童成长的行列,学校和一些教育机构则充当了家长的“得力助手”。于是,儿童教育中出现了揠苗助长、超前教育、规训教育等种种乱象。也就是说,在“小大人”儿童观的影响下,儿童教育忽视了儿童的身心发展特点,违背了儿童发展的自然速率,给儿童的健康发展带来了极大的伤害。 面对儿童教育异化的现实,我们不得不深思:儿童教育应当如何看待儿童?笔者的观点是:儿童不是“小大人”,儿童就是“儿童”。与成人相比,儿童的身心发展尚未成熟,他们有其独特的认知特点和精神世界,儿童正通往成人的路上,他们不会一下子变为成人,也不会永远都是孩子。因此,教育应当把儿童看作“儿童”,敬畏儿童的天性,珍视儿童期的价值,尊重儿童的自然发展。唯有这样,孩子们才有望拥有一个幸福快乐的童年。
[Abstract]:Throughout the cultural history of China and the West, the "small adults" view of children has a long history. In ancient times, due to the low level of self-awareness of human subjects, adult centrism also dominated people's attitude towards children. Therefore, children were regarded as "small adults" who were physically smaller than adults. At present, due to the negative influence of Chinese traditional culture, the fierce social background and the talent selection system, the concept of "small adults" children still has its realistic soil. Although in different historical periods, the concept of "small adults" children bears different connotations and meanings, they have the same performance, that is, people consciously or unconsciously regard children as small adults and demand children according to the standards of adults. Its essence is that it has not found the special significance and value of childhood and the essential difference between children and adults. Under the influence of "small adults", the education of children in ancient times showed as follows: the content of education paid attention to moral indoctrination and the recitation of Confucian classics, the teaching method paid attention to form, memorized by rote; The selection and arrangement of teaching materials ignore the cognitive characteristics of children, in addition, educational concepts such as "hard work, no benefit from drama" and "quiet" are emphasized in education. There are also a series of problems in contemporary children's education. Parents are eager to see their children grow up, and schools and educational institutions act as "right-hand men" for parents. As a result, children's education in the emergence of excessive Miao foster, leading education, discipline education and other chaos. That is to say, under the influence of "small adults" view of children, children's education ignores the characteristics of children's physical and mental development, violates the natural rate of children's development, and brings great harm to the healthy development of children. Facing the reality of children's education alienation, we have to ponder: how should children be treated in child education? My opinion is: children are not "small adults", children are "children". Compared with adults, children's physical and mental development is not mature, they have their unique cognitive characteristics and spiritual world, children are on their way to adulthood, they will not become adults at once, nor will they always be children. Therefore, education should regard children as "children", respect the nature of children, cherish the value of childhood and respect the natural development of children. Only in this way can children hope to have a happy and happy childhood.


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