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发布时间:2018-06-04 22:38

  本文选题:组织形象 + 幼儿园形象 ; 参考:《西南大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: “二战”以后,整个世界市场逐步由卖方市场过渡到买方市场,社会组织之间的竞争日趋激烈,其显著的特征是组织竞争已经由局部的产品竞争、质量竞争、技术竞争上升到整体的体现组织综合实力的形象竞争。在经济领域,企业形象直接引导消费行为。在教育领域,学校形象对家长以及学生选择学校起至关重要的作用。 近年来,我国幼教事业得到了迅速、健康的发展;办园体制、管理体制改革不断深化,,社会举办幼儿教育的积极性被调动起来。2005年和2006年,随着《民办教育促进法》及《民办教育促进法实施条例》的制定与颁布,民办幼儿园的数量进一步增加,凭借自身优越的硬件条件,对公立幼儿园构成了挑战。 保山市幼儿园作为保山地区最早成立的全日制公立幼儿园,自2004年开始,逐渐面临着生源竞争激烈、办园经费紧张以及内部教职员工青黄不接等情况。面对该市新成立的几所民办幼儿园的挑战,保山市幼儿园要保住在当地幼教行业的龙头地位,必须积极采取应对措施,探索发展思路、确立新的对策。引入CI,进行组织形象的设计与重构是该园塑造良好形象,获得政府支持、家长信任、社区合作的必要举措。 本文通过对相关理论的分析和探讨,从主体、客体以及主客体关系三个维度对幼儿园形象进行了一组界定。从主体维度而言,幼儿园形象是幼儿园由其内在特点所决定的外在表现;从客体维度而言,幼儿园形象是相关公众对幼儿园的总体印象或评价;从主客体关系维度而言,幼儿园形象是相关公众在一定条件下对幼儿园由其内在特点所决定的外在表现的总体印象或评价。 在理论分析的基础上,通过实地考察论证、调查访谈,根据保山市幼儿园的实际情况以及对未来发展的规划,对保山市幼儿园的组织形象进行了重构,为其量身定做了一整套CIS系统,包 括理念识别系统、行为识别系统、视觉识别系统,并且对保山市幼儿园组织形象的传播提出了建议。本文认为,保山市幼儿园组织形象的传播应该遵循前瞻性、系统性、由内及外、权变以及双向沟通五大原则。在传播途径上,主要采用人际传播和组织传播的方式,具体方法包括:反复法、翻译法、环境法和仪式游戏法等。 本文的创新之处在于从实证的角度对幼儿园的组织形象的构建做较深入而系统的研究,这在一定程度上丰富和扩大了组织形象应用的内容和领域。
[Abstract]:After World War II, the whole world market gradually changed from the seller's market to the buyer's market, and the competition among social organizations became more and more intense. The obvious characteristic of the competition was that the competition of organization had already changed from the competition of local products to the competition of quality. The technology competition rises to the overall reflection organization comprehensive strength image competition. In the economic field, corporate image directly leads to consumer behavior. In the field of education, school image plays a vital role for parents and students to choose schools. In recent years, the cause of preschool education in China has been developed rapidly and healthily, the reform of the management system and the management system has been deepened, and the enthusiasm of the society in organizing early childhood education has been aroused. With the enactment and promulgation of the Law on the Promotion of Private Education and the implementation regulations of the Law on the Promotion of Private Education, the number of privately-run kindergartens has further increased, and with their own superior hardware conditions, it has posed a challenge to public kindergartens. Baoshan Kindergarten, as the earliest full-time public kindergarten in Baoshan area, has been faced with fierce competition for students, shortage of funds for running the kindergarten and lack of acceptance of staff since 2004. In the face of the challenge of several newly established private kindergartens in the city, in order to maintain their leading position in the local preschool education industry, Baoshan kindergartens must actively take countermeasures, explore development ideas and establish new countermeasures. The introduction of CIand the design and reconstruction of the organization image are the necessary measures for the garden to create a good image, obtain government support, parents' trust and community cooperation. Based on the analysis and discussion of relevant theories, this paper defines the image of kindergarten from three dimensions: subject, object and relationship between subject and object. From the subject dimension, kindergarten image is the external performance of kindergarten determined by its internal characteristics; from the object dimension, kindergarten image is the overall impression or evaluation of the kindergarten by the relevant public; from the relationship between subject and object, the kindergarten image is the overall impression or evaluation of the kindergarten. Kindergarten image is the general impression or evaluation of kindergarten's external performance determined by its internal characteristics under certain conditions. On the basis of theoretical analysis, the organization image of Baoshan kindergarten is reconstructed according to the actual situation of Baoshan kindergarten and the planning for its future development. A complete set of CIS systems, packages and packages are made for them. It includes concept recognition system, behavior recognition system, visual recognition system, and gives some suggestions to spread the organization image of Baoshan Kindergarten. This paper holds that the dissemination of the image of Baoshan kindergarten should follow the five principles of foresight, systematicness, internal and external, contingency and two-way communication. In the way of communication, interpersonal communication and organizational communication are mainly adopted, including repetition, translation, environmental law and ritual game law. The innovation of this paper lies in the deep and systematic research on the organizational image of kindergarten from the perspective of demonstration, which enriches and expands the content and field of the application of organizational image to a certain extent.


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1 曾薇;重庆市三立职业培训学校组织形象美誉度调查研究[D];西南大学;2011年




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