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发布时间:2018-06-05 06:46

  本文选题:探究教学 + 探究学习 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: 说起探究教学法的起源,许多人会提到杜威、布鲁纳和施瓦布等20世纪美国教育家或心理学家。然而,在施瓦布所著《探究式科学教学》(The Teaching of science as Inquiry)一书中,古希腊哲学家柏拉图却被追溯为探究教学法的创始人。2000多年前,在柏拉图创办的贵族学校里,学生按照他们将来可能从事的工作性质的不同,被分为两个班并接受两种完全不同的教育。一种是,对于将来可能从事一般性管理工作的学生,学校教给他们的是一堆被视为绝对真理的知识或教条;这个班的学生必须以十分虔诚的态度无条件地接受并学习这些教条性的知识,不能提出任何质疑。另一种是,对于那些将来可能成为统治阶层接班人的学生,学校教给他们的则是一套完全不同的思维方式——那些被当作真理而教给前一班学生的知识或教条,在这里却被摘下真理的帽子而成为一些充其量不过是有参考价值的建议提供给学生;学校要求这些学生在学习这些知识时保持独立、清醒的头脑,对这些知识或教条可以提出合理的质疑,也可以根据需要对这些知识或教条进行补充、完善。这个班使用的教学方法就是我们今天常说的“探究教学法”的真正起源,而前一个班的学生接受的则是传统的“灌输式”教育。 现代的素质教育,强调鼓励“学生采用质疑或探究的方式进行学习。”综观国外教学,普遍采用以调动学生学习积极性为目标的学习方法。例如,比利时倾向于让学生独立学习,利用学习进步表逐步发展学生的自学能力;芬兰以学生独立进行比较和独立思考得出结论,作为主要的教学方法;在英国的教学倡导个案研究法。目的是使学生获得知识中带有规律性的东西。目前我国的教学,教师主讲式和问题引导式教学过程仍占主要地位。 研究本课题目的在于探讨探究教学的价值,呼唤体育教师要转变体育教学观念,牢记美国华盛顿大学这样的一个条幅:“听来的,忘得快;看见的,记得牢;动手做,才理解得深”。培养适合时代要求的人才。
[Abstract]:When it comes to the origins of inquiry pedagogy, many mention Dewey, Bruner, and Schwab, and other 20th-century American educators or psychologists. However, in Schwab's the Teaching of science as Inquiry), Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, was traced back to the aristocratic school that Plato founded more than 2,000 years ago. Students are divided into two classes and receive two completely different kinds of education according to the nature of the work they may undertake in the future. One is that for students who might be in general management in the future, the school teaches them a pile of knowledge or dogma that is regarded as absolute truth; Students in this class must accept and learn these dogmatic knowledge unconditionally and with great reverence, without any doubt. On the other hand, for students who may become successors to the ruling class in the future, the school teaches them a completely different set of thinking-the knowledge or dogma taught to the previous class as truth. But here they are taken off the hat of truth and become some advice which at best is of reference value to the students, who are required to remain independent and clear-headed in their study of this knowledge. The knowledge or dogma may be questioned reasonably or supplemented and perfected as necessary. The teaching method used in this class is the real origin of the "inquiry teaching method" that we often say today, while the students in the former class receive the traditional "infusion" education. Modern quality education emphasizes encouraging students to learn by questioning or exploring. In view of foreign teaching, learning methods aiming at arousing students' enthusiasm for learning are generally adopted. Belgium, for example, prefers to allow students to learn independently, using the learning progress table to gradually develop students' ability to teach themselves; Finland uses independent comparisons and independent thinking to draw conclusions as the main teaching method; Teaching in England advocates case study. The aim is to give students something regular in their knowledge. At present, the teaching process of teacher-oriented and problem-leading is still in the main position in our country. The purpose of this study is to explore the value of inquiry teaching, to call upon physical education teachers to change their concept of physical education, and to bear in mind the banners of the University of Washington in the United States: "what you hear, you forget quickly; what you see, you remember; you do it." To understand deeply. " To train talents suitable for the needs of the times.


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1 王磊;基于问题的学习幼儿体育教学模式研究[D];淮北师范大学;2011年

2 廖志丹;长沙地区幼儿园户外体育活动场地现状调查研究[D];湖南师范大学;2009年

3 刘计轻;城市幼儿园体育教学活动现状研究[D];西南大学;2012年




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