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发布时间:2018-06-05 23:18

  本文选题:幼儿园音乐欣赏教学 + 综合 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:综合是整体经验获得的方式,是认识世界的方式,是一种教学方法,是符合儿童学习规律的教学思想,是现代教育的发展趋势。儿童的整体性认知特点、身心的整体性发展特点和年龄特点使得综合教学成为幼儿园最佳的教学方式;音乐的综合性使幼儿园音乐欣赏综合教学有了学科最基础的支撑;儿童通过学习具有综合性特点的多样化音乐能获得整体性发展。音乐欣赏作为音乐教学的一个重要组成部分,是可以充发挥分综合特点来开展教学活动的。 本论文分为四章。第一章论述了选题缘由,结合国内外相关研究成果,初步界定幼儿园音乐欣赏综合教学,探讨了幼儿园音乐欣赏综合教学的相关理论基础,并确定了研究方法。第二章从课程的发展趋势、儿童的学习心理和音乐自身的综合性学科特点全面论述幼儿园音乐欣赏综合教学得以可能的理论基础和实践支持。第三章从理念、原则和实施三个方面初步架构了幼儿园音乐欣赏综合教学理论。第四章以格式塔和建构主义学习理论为基础总结出有效的幼儿园音乐欣赏教学策略。 有效的音乐欣赏教学策略可以促进音乐欣赏教学实践的优化发展,丰富教学实践经验,对教学实践有现实指导意义,同时为幼儿园音乐欣赏教学理论提供一个开放多元的视角。
[Abstract]:Synthesis is the way to acquire the whole experience, the way to understand the world, the teaching method, the teaching thought which accords with the law of children's learning, and the development trend of modern education. The holistic cognitive characteristics of children, the holistic development of body and mind and the characteristics of age make comprehensive teaching become the best teaching method in kindergarten, and the comprehensive teaching of music appreciation in kindergarten has the most basic support of the subject. Children can achieve holistic development by learning a variety of music with comprehensive characteristics. As an important part of music teaching, music appreciation can give full play to the comprehensive characteristics of teaching activities. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter discusses the reason of selecting the topic, combined with the domestic and foreign related research results, preliminarily defines the kindergarten music appreciation comprehensive teaching, discusses the relevant theoretical basis of the kindergarten music appreciation comprehensive teaching, and determines the research method. The second chapter discusses the possible theoretical basis and practical support of the comprehensive teaching of music appreciation in kindergarten from the development trend of curriculum, the learning psychology of children and the comprehensive subject characteristics of music itself. The third chapter constructs the theory of comprehensive teaching of kindergarten music appreciation from three aspects: idea, principle and implementation. The fourth chapter summarizes the effective teaching strategies of kindergarten music appreciation on the basis of gestalt and constructivism learning theory. Effective music appreciation teaching strategy can promote the optimization and development of music appreciation teaching practice, enrich teaching practice experience, have practical significance for teaching practice, and provide an open and diversified perspective for kindergarten music appreciation teaching theory.


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