本文选题:韩国 + 幼儿 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2005年硕士论文
【摘要】:本研究采用《3~5岁幼儿个性发展教师评定问卷》的韩文修订版,首先分析了杨丽珠、张野等人编制的中国《3~5岁幼儿个性发展教师评定问卷》在韩国使用的可行性;然后从教师描述的角度,系统探察了韩国幼儿个性发展的特点。在韩国汉城的4所普通幼儿园随机抽取韩国3~5岁幼儿243名。请幼儿所在班级教师对其个性发展做出评定。结果表明:(1)中国的杨丽珠、张野等人编制的《3~5 岁幼儿个性发展教师评定问卷》经过韩文修订后基本可用于评定韩国幼儿的个性发展,中文原版问卷与回译版问卷的各个信、效度指标较好。(2)总体上韩国幼儿智能特征从3岁到5岁的变化幅度不大,年龄差异不显著,但在5岁阶段,幼儿的独立进取性得到了显著发展。韩国幼儿认真自控及其各个特质的发展主要是在3~4岁之间发展迅速,从4岁~5岁发展逐渐趋于稳定;随着年龄增长,幼儿责任感得到了发展,自我控制能力显著提高,而攻击反抗行为逐渐减弱。(3)韩国幼儿情绪性的发展主要体现为急躁执拗个性特质的显著发展上,随着年龄增长,幼儿的消极情绪产生速度逐渐变慢,其持续时间也逐渐缩短。(4)韩国幼儿亲社会性的发展主要体现为羞愧内疚与合群性特质的发展上,3~4岁发展迅速,4~5岁发展平稳。
[Abstract]:In this study, the Korean revised version of the teacher's questionnaire for Personality Development of Children aged 5 years old was used to analyze the feasibility of using Chinese teacher questionnaire for Personality Development of Children < 35 years old in South Korea, which was compiled by Yang Lizhu and Zhang Ye, et al. Then, from the perspective of teacher description, the characteristics of Korean infant personality development are systematically explored. A total of 243 3-year-old 5-year-olds were randomly selected from 4 ordinary kindergartens in Seoul, South Korea. Ask the teacher of the child's class to make an assessment of his personality development. The results showed that Yang Lizhu and Zhang Ye, et al., from China, etc., developed the teacher's questionnaire for Personality Development of Children < 3 or 5 years old. After being revised in Korean, the questionnaire can be basically used to assess the personality development of Korean children. The letters of the original Chinese questionnaire and the back version of the questionnaire can be used to evaluate the personality development of Korean children. On the whole, the range of intellectual characteristics of Korean children from 3 to 5 years old is not significant, but in the age of 5 years old, the independent enterprising character of young children has been significantly developed. 2) in general, the range of intellectual characteristics of Korean children from 3 to 5 years old is not significant, but the difference of age is not significant. The development of serious self-control and its characteristics in South Korea is mainly between 3 and 4 years of age, and the development from 4 to 5 years old gradually tends to be stable. With the increase of age, the sense of responsibility of young children has been developed, and the ability of self-control has been improved significantly. But the aggressive resistance behavior gradually weakens. (3) the development of Korean children's emotional nature is mainly reflected in the remarkable development of impetuous and obstinate personality traits. With the increase of age, the rate of producing negative emotions of young children becomes slower and slower. The development of pro-sociality of Korean children is mainly reflected in the development of shame guilt and social characteristics. The rapid development at 4 years old and the stable development at 4 years old in South Korea.
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