本文选题:幼儿园课程 + 课程变革 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2002年硕士论文
【摘要】: 幼儿园课程是幼儿教育改革的核心。研究广西幼儿园课程的现状有利于促进广西幼儿教育水平的提高。结合“幼儿园课程结构的调整与适应性研究”课题,通过调查,发现广西幼儿园课程的现状是:课程目标呈现多样化,但不能满足所有家长的需要;课程内容超载严重,课程形式落后;课程的实施不能满足所有幼儿的发展;课程管理滞后于课程发展的要求;课程资源不足同时又不重视开发;课程评价与新型人才培养不一致。 课程的存在与产生是离不开社会、哲学及心理学的发展的。21世纪是以知识的创新和应用为重要特征的知识经济时代,科学技术迅猛发展,国际竞争日趋激烈,国力的强弱越来越取决于劳动者的素质。社会的信息化、经济的全球化使创新精神与实践能力成为影响整个民族生存状况的基本因素。因此,21世纪将是教育和学习起核心作用的时代。 主体性教育思想已影响到我国教育的各个层面。主体性教育的课程观认为,教育要促进学生主体性素质的发展,就必须建立合理的课程结构;同时更新、调整和丰富教材的内容和形式,实现教材知识内容的结构化。 加纳德的理论给教师在课程的实施过程提出了新的理论,这种理论的产生使当今的个性化教育有了新的诠释。幼儿(或学生)的能力的发展存在着不同的发展,这种能力的发展要求教师改变好学生(或好孩子)、差学生的看法。课程的实施应该更多地考虑到儿童的个性发展差异,同时尊重这种差异。 新的知识观也是课程改革的一个心理学原因。现代心理学认为知识是主体通过与其环境相互作用而获得的信息及其组织。它分陈述性知识和程序性知识。这种新的知识观要求人们课程的目的不应仅仅局限于概念、法则的阐述与表征,同时还应考虑到能力与策略。 随着科技的发展,现代社会逐步由现代社会转向后现代社会,现代知识的性质也向后现代知识性质转变。后现代知识的性质,要求后现代课程改革科学课程,科学课程内容的编排要走出原来狭隘的分科课程模式,采用一种内容更加丰富的“大科学课程”模式;要求开发本土课程;加强人文课程。 总结广西幼儿园课程的发展历程,我们发现,专家与广大教师的参与是幼儿园课程改革成功的保证。但在改革过程中,,难免会遇到来自改革者、改革对象、环境诸多方面的阻碍。 对教育改革来说,改革的顺利推行和目标的达成需要若干条件(即改革所 需条件),但在现实改单趾界里,一项改革所实际面对的条件(即改革现实条件), 常难达到所需条件之求,存在着或大或小的差距。改革所需条件颇具理想化特 征,任何一项改革在其推行过程中所面对的条件,既包括一些对于改革顺利推 行和改革目标达成的有利囚素,又包括一些阻碍、抗拒改革顺利椎行和改革目 标达成的囚索,即阻抗凶索。 据阻抗因素与改革活动之关系,有人将阻抗分为五大类型,而每一类阻抗 又有若干子阻抗因索:改革代理人(昭ent)囚素;改革管理因素;改革对象O呷et) 囚累;改革当事人(client)囚索;改单的环境囚索,又分社会因素(如政治、 经济、文化和人口)和自然囚索(如地理环境)。 幼儿团新一轮课程改松c经仆始,它呈观出以人为本、立足于终身教育的 发展、血向科学等特点,以捉升教帅的索质、促高幼儿园的办园水平、促进幼 儿的全啊发展为取向,俐着多样化、观代化、多元化、个性化、园本化等方向 发展。
[Abstract]:The kindergarten curriculum is the core of preschool education reform . The research on the current situation of kindergarten curriculum in Guangxi is beneficial to promote the improvement of preschool education level in Guangxi . Through investigation , it is found that the current situation of kindergarten curriculum in Guangxi is that the curriculum goal is diversified , but it can not meet the needs of all parents ;
The content of the course is too heavy and the curriculum is backward ;
The implementation of the curriculum cannot meet the development of all young children ;
Curriculum management lags behind the requirement of curriculum development ;
At the same time , the shortage of curriculum resources is not paid much attention to development ;
The course evaluation is inconsistent with the new talent training .
The existence and production of curriculum is inseparable from the development of society , philosophy and psychology . The 21st century is the era of knowledge economy with the important characteristics of knowledge innovation and application .
The idea of subjectivity education has affected all aspects of our country ' s education . The curriculum view of subjectivity education believes that education should promote the development of student ' s subjective quality , and a reasonable curriculum structure must be established ;
At the same time , the content and form of teaching materials are updated , adjusted and enriched , and the structure of teaching material knowledge content is realized .
Ghana ' s theory gives teachers a new theory in the implementation of the curriculum , which has created a new interpretation of today ' s personalized education . The development of the ability of children ( or students ) has different development , and the development of this ability requires teachers to change the students ( or good children ) and the difference of the students . The implementation of the curriculum should take into account the differences of the children ' s personality development , while respecting the difference .
The new concept of knowledge is also a psychological reason for curriculum reform . Modern psychology believes that knowledge is the information and organization that the subject obtains through its interaction with its environment . It is divided into declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge . This new knowledge view requires that the purpose of the course should not be limited to the concept , the elaboration and characterization of the law , but also the ability and strategy should be taken into account .
With the development of science and technology , the modern society is gradually shifted from the modern society to the post - modern society . The nature of modern knowledge also transforms the nature of modern knowledge .
The development of native courses is required ;
Strengthening the humanities curriculum .
The development course of kindergarten curriculum in Guangxi is summarized . It is found that the participation of experts and teachers is the guarantee of the success of kindergarten curriculum reform . However , in the course of reform , it is difficult to meet the obstacles of reform , reform object and environment .
For educational reform , the successful implementation of the reform and the achievement of the goal require several conditions ( i.e . , reform )
if necessary ) , but in that context of the real reform of the single - toe world , a condition in which the reform is actually faced ( i . e . , the reform of the real condition ) ,
It is often difficult to meet the needs of the required conditions , and there is a gap between big or small differences . The conditions necessary for the reform are quite idealized .
The condition of any reform in the course of its implementation includes not only a number of successful reforms ,
Good row and reform goals , including a number of obstacles , anti - reform , smooth vertebral and reform objectives
The standard line of death , that is , the impedance perpetrators .
According to the relationship between the impedance factor and the reform activity , the impedance is divided into five types , and each type of impedance
There are also a number of sub - impedance factors : Zhao ent prisoners ;
Reform management factors ;
Reform Object ( O - siet )
( b ) Imprisonment ;
To reform client ( client ) row ;
The change of environmental prisoners and social factors ( such as politics ,
Economic , cultural and demographic ) and natural prisoners ( e.g . geographical environment ) .
The new round of curriculum reform of the infant regiment began with the beginning of a servant , which appeared to be people - oriented and was based on lifelong education .
Development , blood circulation science and so on , in order to catch up and teach the handsome rope quality , promote the kindergarten level of the kindergarten , promote the young
The development of children ' s development is orientation , Li diversification , view generation , diversification , personalization , garden - oriented , etc .
Development .
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