本文选题:学前儿童 + 图画书阅读 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2009年博士论文
【摘要】: 利用眼动观测法对学前儿童展开阅读研究是本世纪以来在阅读研究领域开辟的一个新的视角。而对于学前教育领域而言,眼动观测法的使用则是开创性的。以往对于儿童阅读发展的研究,获得了大量的研究结果。但是有关汉语儿童阅读发展阶段的问题,至目前鲜有研究涉及。从学前儿童语言发展的角度而言,利用眼动仪这种可以记录“所看到的”仪器对学前儿童的阅读进行研究可以更加客观地展现学前儿童阅读能力发展的真实情况。 本研究的目的在于通过眼动观测的研究方法,探讨汉语学前儿童阅读的发展阶段。从汉语儿童图画书阅读的眼动基本状况、汉语儿童图画书阅读的视线集散状态、汉语儿童图画书阅读的视觉阅读模式和汉语儿童图画书阅读的视觉关键信息四个方面,对3岁、4岁、5岁和6岁四个年龄段共计162名以汉语普通话为母语的学前儿童的图画书阅读情况进行研究,分析儿童图画书阅读中的眼动轨迹,揭示汉语儿童图画书阅读的发展过程。 汉语儿童图画书阅读的眼动基本状况研究的结果揭示,儿童对于图画书阅读表现出浓厚的兴趣和较高的关注程度;并且随着年龄增长,儿童对图画书阅读的兴趣程度和关注程度随之越来越高。具体表现在:汉语儿童阅读图画书时的注视点个数和注视时间长度都有随着儿童年龄增长而递增的发展趋势。儿童阅读图画书时的单个注视点的平均注视时间长度为400毫秒,大年龄儿童的单个注视点注视时间长度短于小年龄儿童,显示出大年龄组儿童在提取图画书信息能力方面要高于小年龄组儿童。另外,儿童阅读图画书的眼动注视点个数呈正态分布,注视时间长度呈正偏态分布。 汉语儿童图画书阅读的视线集散状态的研究是通过对儿童图画书阅读时眼动注视点分布状态的考察来探讨儿童阅读的特点。研究发现,汉语儿童图画书阅读的眼动轨迹表现出视线集中的特征,只是不同年龄儿童视线集中程度不同。这反映出儿童在图画书阅读中对信息捕捉的能力随着年龄增长而发展的趋势。而对吸引儿童视线集中的区域的研究发现,只有承载了丰富信息的区域才会吸引儿童阅读中的关注,儿童对这些区域的关注具有图画优先文字;新信息优先旧信息;中心位置信息优先边缘位置信息;大面积信息优先小面积信息;色彩鲜艳信息优先色彩暗淡信息的视觉特征。 汉语儿童图画书阅读的视觉阅读模式是对儿童阅读时视线集散特征的深入探讨,即以儿童阅读图画书时视线对图画书的核心构成要素“图画”和“文字”的不同注视情况为切入点,研究儿童的视觉阅读模式。研究发现,各年龄组汉语儿童阅读图画书时,都主要注视图画区域,极少关注文字。同时,对文字区域的关注表现出随着年龄增长而增长的发展趋势。儿童图画书的视觉阅读模式有仅仅阅读图画的单一式视觉阅读模式和既阅读图画也阅读文字的联合式视觉阅读模式两种,并且单一式视觉模式随儿童年龄增长而递减,联合式视觉模式随儿童年龄增长而递增。儿童阅读眼动视线集散程度上表现出从分散到集中的年龄发展特征。 对汉语儿童图画书阅读中视觉关键信息的考察研究了不同年龄段儿童图画书阅读质量的情况。研究结果表明:儿童年龄越大,在各图页阅读时注视到的视觉关键信息数量越多;而在视觉关键信息区域的平均注视时间长度和注视点个数有随着儿童年龄增长而递增的趋势,这些都揭示了儿童图画书阅读理解能力随着儿童年龄增长而提高。而4岁组儿童对视觉关键信息数量的把握程度显著优于3岁组儿童,显示出4岁是儿童读图能力大发展的一个时期。单一式视觉阅读模式的儿童对图画的观察和故事理解优于联合式视觉阅读模式的儿童。 在四项研究的基础之上获得汉语儿童阅读发展阶段模式,即从图画阅读到图文同时阅读;图文阅读中第一层次为类似图画阅读,第二层次为文字区域有无回视出现,又分为无回视和有回视两种。有回视中第一层次为无文图对应,第二层次为有文图对应。而眼动视线则表现出从分散到集中再到扩展的发展特征。
[Abstract]:The use of eye movement observation method for preschool children's reading research is a new perspective in the field of reading research since this century. For the field of preschool education, the use of eye movement observation method is pioneering. The previous study on the development of children's reading has obtained a large amount of research results. From the point of view of the language development of preschool children, the study of the reading of preschool children by using the instrument of eye movement, which can be recorded by the instrument, can more objectively show the real situation of the development of preschool children's reading ability.
The purpose of this study is to explore the development stage of reading of Chinese preschool children through the method of eye movement observation. The basic situation of eye movement reading from Chinese children's picture books, the line of sight line in Chinese children's picture book reading, the visual reading mode of Chinese children's picture book reading and the visual key of Chinese children's picture book reading In four aspects of information, a picture book reading of 162 preschoolers with Chinese Mandarin as a mother tongue of 3, 4, 5 and 6 years old is studied. The eye movement track in the reading of children's picture books is analyzed, and the development process of Chinese children's picture book reading is revealed.
The result of the study of the basic eye movement of Chinese children's picture book reading reveals that children have a strong interest and a high degree of attention to the reading of picture books. And with the increase of age, the children's interest and attention to the reading of picture books is becoming higher and higher. The number of points and the length of fixation increase gradually with the growth of children's age. The average fixation time of the single fixation point in children's reading picture book is 400 milliseconds. The length of the single fixation time of the children is shorter than that of the children of the younger age. It shows that the age group is able to extract the information ability of the picture book. In addition, the number of gaze fixation points in children's picture books was normal, and the length of fixation time was positively skewed.
The study of the line of sight distribution of Chinese children's picture book reading is to explore the characteristics of children's reading through the investigation of the distribution of eye movements in children's picture books. It is found that the eye movement track of Chinese children's picture book reading shows the characteristics of the focus of sight, which is only the different degree of concentration of sight in children of different ages. It reflects the trend of children's ability to capture information in picture book reading with age. Research on areas that attract children's attention has found that only areas with rich information will attract attention in children's reading, and children's attention to these areas has a picture priority; new information is given priority. Information; center location information priority edge location information; large area information priority small area information; colorful information priority color darkly information visual characteristics.
The visual reading mode of Chinese children's picture book reading is an in-depth study of the characteristics of the line of sight in children's reading, that is to study the visual reading patterns of children by the different gaze of the core elements of the picture book, which are the core elements of the picture book, when the children read the picture book. When children read picture books, they mainly focus on the picture area and rarely pay attention to the text. At the same time, the attention to the text area shows the trend of growth with age. The visual reading pattern of children's picture books has a single visual reading pattern reading the picture only and the combined visual reading of both reading pictures and reading words. There are two types of patterns, and the single visual pattern decreases with the age of children. The combined visual pattern increases with the age of children. The degree of eye movement of children's eye movement is characterized by age development from scattered to concentrated.
The study of visual key information in Chinese children's picture book reading studies the quality of the reading quality of children's picture books of different ages. The results show that the greater the age of the children, the more the number of visual key information is observed when the children are reading, and the length of the average fixation time and the number of fixations in the visual key information areas. With the increasing trend of children's age, these all reveal that the reading comprehension ability of children's picture books increases with the age of children. While the 4 year old children are significantly better than the 3 year old children in the number of visual critical information. It shows that the 4 year old is a period of great development of children's reading ability. Children's picture observation and story comprehension are better than those of the combined visual reading mode.
On the basis of the four studies, the Chinese children's reading development stage mode is obtained, that is, reading from picture reading to graphic reading; the first level is similar to picture reading in the reading of graphic reading, the second level is that there is no back sight in the text area, and the other is divided into two kinds: no back and back sight. The first level in the back view is the correspondence of no text map and second layers. The second is the correspondence of a text map, while the eye movement line of vision shows the development characteristics from decentralization to concentration to extension.
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