本文选题:自我控制 + 幼儿自我控制 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2005年硕士论文
【摘要】: 自我控制是自我意识的重要组成部分,是人类个体从幼稚、依赖走向成熟、独立的标志。自我控制能力的发展对于人形成良好的个性极为重要,是儿童社会化过程中的一个重要方面,它直接影响儿童在学习、生活、社会交往和人格品质的发展,也是儿童自我发展和自我实现的基本前提和根本保证。本文是在实践教学中,在幼儿自我控制理论的指导下,进行的有关研究。目的是通过研究学前期儿童的自我控制,在理论上,有利于揭示儿童的高级心理活动——自我控制对其学习、生活、交往等方面的作用,为丰富和完善已有的理论提供必要的科学依据。在实践上,对于发挥儿童的自觉性、独立性、主动性,培养他们的自我控制能力、面对困难的决心和恒心等都有十分重要的意义。本文共分四个组成部分。 第一部分主要阐述了什么是自我控制与幼儿自我控制,以及自我控制的重要性。关于什么是自我控制的论述,分别从哲学层面、心理层面进行探讨,列举出比较有代表性的观点。什么是幼儿自我控制,则概括介绍了精神分析学派、认知发展学派、行为主义学派以及国内研究者的观点,同时阐述笔者的观点。从理论意义和实践意义两方面分析了自我控制的重要性,结合我国独生子女这一现状,从理论和实践着手,分析了自我控制对幼儿发展的重要意义。 第二部分阐述了自我控制的早期表现与影响因素。分析了幼儿时期自我控制的早期表现,阐述了影响自我控制发展的因素主要有:生理基础、性别差异、注意与语言、父母的抚养方式、情感因素等对幼儿自我控制的发展都有着很大的影响。 第三部分阐述了自我控制的发生过程以及发展特点。关于自我控制发生过程,Kanfer认为自我控制行为一般在以下情况下产生,“当新行为模式需要学习,当必须作出行为选择,当目标已达到或阻断,当习惯反应被阻断或无效。”Bandura认为在自我控制行为产生之前,个体首先意识到他们自身和环境的某些改变,他们可能接受到一个信息,他们不得不改变自己已很好建立的习惯。在这种情况下个体需要在不同行为方式之间作出选择,他们的行为选择决定建立在自我评价过程的基础上。 关于自我控制发展的特点,国内外教育专家都作了不同的研究。西方心理学家对自我控制能力获得的研究主要从冲动性入手,即儿童如何从冲
[Abstract]:Self-control is an important part of self-consciousness. It is the symbol of human individual from childish, dependent to mature and independent. The development of self-control ability is extremely important for the formation of a good personality and an important aspect in the process of children's socialization. It directly affects the development of children's learning, living, social intercourse and personality quality. It is also the basic premise and guarantee of children's self-development and self-realization. This article is in the practice teaching, under the child self-control theory instruction, carries on the related research. The purpose of this study is to study the self-control of children in the early stage of learning, and in theory, to reveal the role of self-control in learning, living, communication and other aspects of children's advanced psychological activities. To enrich and improve the existing theory to provide the necessary scientific basis. In practice, it is of great significance to give play to children's consciousness, independence, initiative, develop their self-control ability, face difficulties and perseverance. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part mainly expounds what is self-control and infant self-control, and the importance of self-control. This paper discusses what self-control is from the philosophical and psychological aspects, and lists some representative viewpoints. What is child self-control, it introduces the psychoanalysis school, cognitive development school, behaviorism school and the views of domestic researchers, and expounds the views of the author at the same time. This paper analyzes the importance of self-control from both theoretical and practical aspects, and analyzes the significance of self-control to the development of young children from both theory and practice. The second part expounds the early performance and influencing factors of self-control. This paper analyzes the early manifestations of self-control in early childhood, and expounds the main factors that affect the development of self-control: physiological basis, gender difference, attention and language, parental rearing style. Emotional factors have a great impact on the development of child self-control. The third part expounds the process and development characteristics of self-control. Regarding the process of self-control, Kanfer believes that self-control behavior generally occurs when "when a new behavior pattern needs to be learned, a behavioral choice must be made, when the goal has been reached or blocked," When customary responses are blocked or ineffective. "Bandura believes that before self-control occurs, individuals are first aware of certain changes in themselves and their environment, and they may receive a message. They had to change their established habits. In this case, individuals need to make choices between different behavior patterns, and their behavior choices are based on the process of self-evaluation. On the characteristics of self-control development, domestic and foreign education experts have done different research. Western psychologists' research on the acquisition of self-control is mainly based on impulsiveness, that is, how children begin with impulse.
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