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发布时间:2018-08-07 17:48
【摘要】: 随着我国教育体制改革的不断深入,教育基础中的基础---幼儿教育的改革也非常踊跃,面对新一轮幼儿全面素质发展的时代要求,幼儿教师提高自身素质是理所应当。教师职业道德素质作为幼儿教师的基本素质,其水平高低将直接关系到我国幼儿教育事业的全面发展。目前,我国幼儿教师职业道德仍然存在一些不容忽视的问题,如何帮助幼儿教师提高职业道德以适应幼儿教育改革的需要,是我国幼儿教师职业道德教育的迫切任务。 幼儿师范学校是幼儿教师职前培养的主要机构,怎样才能完成幼儿师范学生师德教育这一任务,把今日学生培养成具有合格教师职业道德的明日之师是幼儿师范学校的首要职责。本文试着从研讨幼儿师范学生师德教育入手,结合自己工作环境、工作经验,通过理论分析和调查分析相结合的方法,思考幼儿师范学校在师德教育发展中存在的问题及成因,并提出自己解决问题的对策,希望给幼儿师范学校以参考,使我国幼儿教师的整体职业道德水平在源头上得到改善。本论文的结构主要分为三部分。 第一部分阐述了对幼儿师范学生进行师德教育的意义。本部分先简单介绍了幼儿师范学生师德教育的含义和内容;接着论述了幼儿师范学生师德教育的意义。幼儿师范学生作为未来的幼儿教师,其职业道德素质的高低将对我国幼儿教育的进一步发展有着至关重要的作用。对她们进行职业道德教育,不仅对未来幼儿教师整体职业道德水平的提高有所帮助,而且对幼儿园德育工作的贯彻执行、幼儿道德观念的形成与发展有着积极的意义。 第二部分探讨了幼儿师范学生师德教育存在的问题及成因。当前,幼儿师范学生师德教育由于各种因素面临一些较为棘手的问题,主要表现在:师德教育缺乏实效性;师德课程设置缺乏,教材内容陈旧;部分学生对师德教育的重要性缺乏必要的认识,这些问题的出现大大影响了幼儿师范学校师德教育工作的正常进行及幼儿师范学生师德观的形成。造成的原因很多,有社会大背景的不利影响;个别幼儿师范学校教师师德水平低下的影响;幼儿师范学校出路的问题等。 第三部分则是就如何提高幼儿师范学生师德教育提出了自己的几点建设性意见。幼儿师范学生的师德教育,长期以来一直是困绕幼儿师范学校的头等大事,许多幼儿师范学校为此做了多种长期不懈的探索,提出了许多宝贵的经验。本文结合现今我国师德教育改革的目标,对这些探索的经验进行了梳理,提出了幼儿师范学校对学生进行师德教育的一些可行的、合理的建议。既幼儿师范学校应充分发挥其主导作用,切实抓好师德建设;幼儿师范学校应积极调动学生的主体性,引导学生形成正确的师德观;幼儿师范学校应重视学生实现自我修养。 总之,本文比较全面地分析了幼儿师范学生师德教育存在的问题及成因,并根据幼儿教育发展前景和国家对幼儿教师职业道德的新规范提出了相关建议,有助于幼儿师范学生师德教育的顺利开展。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform of the educational system in China, the foundation of the Education Foundation - the reform of preschool education is also very enthusiastic. In the face of the requirements of a new round of all-round development of young children, it is necessary for preschool teachers to improve their own quality. As the basic quality of preschool teachers, the level of teachers' professional moral quality will be directly related to the level of preschool teachers. At present, there are still some problems that can not be ignored in the professional ethics of preschool teachers in our country. How to help preschool teachers to improve their professional ethics in order to meet the needs of the reform of preschool education is an urgent task for the professional moral education of preschool teachers in China.
The preschool teachers' school is the main body of preschool teachers' pre service training. How can we complete the task of teachers' Moral Education in preschool teachers' teachers' education. It is the primary duty of preschool teachers' school to train today's students to be a professional teacher with qualified teachers' professional ethics. The work environment, work experience, through the combination of theoretical analysis and investigation and analysis, think about the problems and causes of children's normal school in the development of teacher ethics education, and put forward the countermeasures to solve the problems. We hope to give the preschool teachers' schools a reference to improve the overall professional moral level of the preschool teachers in our country. The structure of this paper is divided into three parts.
The first part expounds the significance of teachers' moral education for preschool teachers. This part introduces the meaning and content of teachers' moral education of preschool teachers, and then discusses the significance of teachers' Moral Education in preschool teachers' normal students. As a future preschool teacher, children's teachers' professional moral quality will teach children in our country. The further development of education has a vital role. To carry out professional moral education to them is not only helpful to the improvement of the overall professional moral level of the future preschool teachers, but also to the implementation of the moral education in kindergartens and the formation and development of the children's moral concept.
The second part discusses the problems and causes of teachers' Moral Education in preschool normal school students. At present, teachers' Moral Education in preschool normal school is faced with some difficult problems due to various factors, which are mainly manifested in the lack of effectiveness of teacher ethics education, lack of teaching ethics courses, old teaching materials, and the lack of importance of some students to teachers' morality education. It is necessary to know that the emergence of these problems has greatly affected the normal conduct of teachers' Moral Education in preschool teachers' schools and the formation of the moral concept of normal school students. There are many reasons, the adverse effects of the social background, the low level of teachers' moral level in some kindergarten teachers' teachers' schools, and the problem of the way out for preschool teachers' normal schools.
The third part puts forward some constructive suggestions on how to improve the teacher's moral education of preschool normal school students. The teacher's moral education for preschool teachers has long been the top priority of the children's normal school. Many children's normal schools have done a variety of long-term and unlax exploration to this end, and many valuable experiences have been put forward. In the light of the objective of the reform of teachers' Moral Education in our country and the experience of these explorations, some feasible and reasonable suggestions are put forward for the teachers' Moral Education in kindergarten teachers' schools. The teachers' school should give full play to its leading role and make good practice of the construction of teachers' ethics. It is necessary to guide students to form a correct view of teachers' morality; preschool normal schools should attach importance to students' self cultivation.
In a word, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the problems and causes of teachers' Moral Education in kindergarten teachers' students, and puts forward some relevant suggestions according to the development prospect of preschool education and the new norms of the country's professional ethics for preschool teachers, which will help the smooth development of teachers' Moral education for preschool teachers.


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