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发布时间:2018-08-13 15:35
【摘要】:每一个人都是独特的个体,每一个人都有区别与他人的特殊能力。多元智能理论强调了人与人之间智能的差异性、独特性,并阐述了一种新的教育思想。该理论的出现为我国长期倡导的个性化教育理念注入了一股新的活力。幼儿期是个体一生智能发展的关键时期,在这一时期运用科学、合理的个性化教育方法对幼儿独特的优势智能进行开发是非常必要的。 本研究以多元智能理论为基础,采用光谱教育方案探索3—6岁具有逻辑数理优势智能幼儿在数学领域的智能发展状况。涉及的研究方法包括访谈法、行动研究法、问卷法、实验法。目的是通过筛选具有逻辑数理优势智能幼儿,并对其进行数学优势课程教育,发展其逻辑数理优势智能。 本研究首先选用多元课题组编制的《幼儿多元化能力表现教师评定问卷》从18所实验幼儿园中选取具有逻辑数理优势智能的幼儿(大、中、小班)分为实验组和对照组。然后利用课题组成员制定的数学领域优势课程对实验组(大、中、小班)幼儿实施优势课程教学。在一个学期教学实验之后,通过研究者自编的《大/中/小班(上)数学优势组幼儿表现教师评定问卷》对实验组和对照组的幼儿进行测评,进一步考查幼儿的优势逻辑数理智能的发展状况。从研究结果发现:(1)研究者自编的三个问卷具有良好的信效度,大班问卷信度为0.973,解释变异为79.892%;中班问卷信度为0.945,解释变异为74.557%;小班问卷信度为0.980,解释变异为81.568%。(2)经过对幼儿数学领域实施优势课程教育后,大、中、小班的实验组和对照组差异具有显著性,实验组成绩明显优于对照组。
[Abstract]:Each person is a unique individual, and each person has a special ability to distinguish himself from others. The theory of multiple intelligences emphasizes the difference and uniqueness of intelligence among people, and expounds a new educational thought. The emergence of this theory has injected a new vitality into the long-term concept of individualized education in China. Infant age is the key period for the development of individual intelligence in life. It is very necessary to use scientific and reasonable individualized education method to develop children's unique advantage intelligence in this period. Based on the theory of multiple intelligences, this study explored the intelligent development of 3-6 years old children with logical mathematical advantages in the field of mathematics by means of spectral education program. The research methods involved include interview method, action research method, questionnaire method and experimental method. The purpose of this paper is to develop the intelligence of logic mathematical advantage by screening and educating the children with logical mathematical advantage. In this study, we first selected children (large, middle and small classes) with logical advantage and intelligence from 18 experimental kindergartens, which were divided into experimental group and control group. Then, the advantage course of the experimental group (large, middle and small) children is taught by using the advantage course in mathematics field developed by the members of the research group. After a semester of teaching experiment, the children in the experimental group and the control group were assessed by the questionnaire of teacher performance in the large / medium / small class (upper) math superiority group, which was compiled by the researcher. Further examine the development of predominance logic, mathematics and intelligence of young children. The results showed that: (1) the reliability of the three questionnaires was good, the reliability of the large class questionnaire was 0.973, the interpretation variation was 79.892.The reliability of the middle class questionnaire was 0.945, the interpretation variation was 74.557; The reliability of the small class questionnaire was 0.980, and the explanatory variation was 81.568. (2) after carrying out the advantage curriculum education in the field of infant mathematics, there were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in the large, middle and small classes, and the results of the experimental group were obviously better than that of the control group.


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