[Abstract]:Peer interaction plays an important role in the development of young children. Good peer relationships have positive effects on children's cognitive, emotional and social development. However, due to the influence of acquired environment, some children do not form good peer relationship, lack necessary communication skills, do not have sympathy, do not share and cooperate, and even lack enthusiasm and enthusiasm for communication. In short, these conditions have seriously affected the social development of young children, and even the healthy development of the whole body and mind. The author believes that the reason for this situation is the lack of children's peer contact life. It has been pointed out by Hrtup.W.Win1990 that "without equal opportunities to interact with peers, young children will not be able to learn effective peer communication skills." 1 therefore, analyzing the causes of lack of peer contact life is the key to solve the problem. A large number of researches have been carried out on the related problems of children's peer contact, and many articles have been devoted to analyzing the causes of the problems, which have great theoretical and practical value for reference. However, there are few articles to analyze from the perspective of culture. Think from the spirit, system and material aspects of culture, find out the most representative characteristics of each level, that is, the most influential factor to the children's peer contact, that is, from the Chinese traditional family spiritual culture, Kindergarten system culture and modern material culture are three angles to explore the lack of children's peer contact life. First of all, Chinese traditional spiritual culture has the habit of adult dominating the development of children, that is, the high control of traditional family culture. This high degree of control affects children in various ways, which leads to the lack of children's peer contact life. It mainly shows the family-oriented value orientation of "filial piety" and "loyalty" as the core, the family education orientation of "learning and being superior" and the way of overprotection of upbringing, which makes children lose their own life world and lack the opportunity to communicate with their peers. Secondly, the institutional culture of kindergarten also limits the children's
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