发布时间:2018-08-26 07:54
[Abstract]:Kindergarten regional activities have the characteristics of selections, autonomy and educational value based on the operational materials, situations and corresponding activities, which determines that teachers' guidance to regional activities can only be carried out indirectly. Based on the analysis of the misunderstandings in the construction of kindergarten regional activity rules, this paper discusses the pluralistic construction and effective implementation of the kindergarten regional activity rules from the aspects of the rule types, age characteristics and implementation strategies of the regional activity rules.
【作者单位】: 浙江省杭州市采荷第二幼儿园教育集团;
[Abstract]:Kindergarten regional activities have the characteristics of selections, autonomy and educational value based on the operational materials, situations and corresponding activities, which determines that teachers' guidance to regional activities can only be carried out indirectly. Based on the analysis of the misunderstandings in the construction of kindergarten regional activity rules, this paper discusses the pluralistic construction and effective implementation of the kindergarten regional activity rules from the aspects of the rule types, age characteristics and implementation strategies of the regional activity rules.
【作者单位】: 浙江省杭州市采荷第二幼儿园教育集团;
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