发布时间:2018-09-04 12:38
[Abstract]:Children's music education plays an irreplaceable role in the development of children's life. The traditional music teaching method pays attention to the training of musical skills, neglecting the cultivation of children's musical quality and personality. This paper analyzes the subconscious mind of infant music and puts forward specific training strategies.
【作者单位】: 江苏省昆山市花溪幼儿园;
[Abstract]:Children's music education plays an irreplaceable role in the development of children's life. The traditional music teaching method pays attention to the training of musical skills, neglecting the cultivation of children's musical quality and personality. This paper analyzes the subconscious mind of infant music and puts forward specific training strategies.
【作者单位】: 江苏省昆山市花溪幼儿园;
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