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发布时间:2018-09-11 08:31
【摘要】: 亲子关系是个体最早接触到的人际关系,也是一个人一生中最基本、最重要的关系。亲子关系对儿童青少年的情绪、行为、人际交往、社会适应、学校适应等发展的诸多领域都有广泛而深刻影响。 本研究旨在考察亲子培训对儿童幼儿园适应水平的影响。首先采用母亲教养方式量表(EMBU)和Cornners儿童行为问卷教师用量表对131名4—6岁的幼儿园儿童的母子女之间的亲子关系(父母教养方式标准)状况和幼儿园适应情况作了调查,并检验了二者之间的相关性。结果发现: (1)4—6岁儿童母亲教养方式在情感温暖、理解,过干涉、过保护,拒绝、否认和惩罚严厉四个因子上均没有表现出性别差异和年龄组间差异。 (2)4—6岁儿童幼儿园适应在品行问题、不注意—被动上没有显著性别差异,在多动和多动指数因子上存在性别差异,男孩比女孩表现出更强的多动性;在品行、多动问题上无年龄组间差异,在不注意—被动上有显著年龄组间差异,低年龄组儿童比高年龄组儿童有较多的不注意—被动行为。 (3)母子女之间的亲子关系与儿童的幼儿园适应之间存在显著相关,母子女之间亲子关系状况越好,儿童表现出越优秀的幼儿园适应水平。 在上述发现的基础上,采用自编的亲子关系培训方案对其中15名儿童(实验组)的母亲家长进行了为期8周、每周1次的亲子关系培训团体辅导。另外15名儿童作为对照组,未作任何处理。实验处理结束后两周,对两组儿童的母亲教养方式和幼儿园适应情况分别做了实验后测量,比较了实验组和对照组儿童的前后测分数,检验了实验干预效果。得出如下结论: (1)亲子关系培训改善了儿童母亲对子女的教养方式,亲子培训能够提高儿童的幼儿园适应水平; (2)本研究中开发的亲子关系培训方案是一套能够改善母亲与子女之间亲子关系的培训方案。 研究结果表明,亲子关系团体培训是改善亲子关系质量,提高儿童幼儿园适应性的有效手段。尽管亲子培训是一件耗费大量时间和精力的工作,但是与让孩子拥有一个适应更加良好的幼儿园生活,乃至拥有一个更加良好的未来社会适应,我们相信这些努力的付出是值得的。
[Abstract]:Parent-child relationship is the earliest personal contact, and it is also the most basic and important relationship in a person's life. Parent-child relationship has a wide and profound impact on the development of children and adolescents in many fields, such as emotion, behavior, interpersonal communication, social adaptation, school adaptation and so on. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of parental training on children's kindergarten adaptability. First, the maternal rearing style scale (EMBU) and the Cornners Child behavior questionnaire (Cornners) were used to investigate the status of parent-child relationship (parental rearing style standard) and kindergarten adaptation among 131 kindergarten children aged 4-6 years. The correlation between them was tested. The results showed that: (1) the maternal rearing style of 4-6 year old children was warm, understanding, interfering, protecting, refusing, There was no gender difference or age group difference among the four factors of denial and punishment. (2) there was no significant gender difference in the behavior of children aged 4-6 years old in kindergarten, but there was no significant gender difference between neglect and passivity. There were gender differences in hyperactivity and hyperactivity index factors. Boys showed stronger hyperactivity than girls. There was no difference between age groups in behavior, hyperactivity problems, and significant age group differences in inattention and passivity. Children in the lower age group have more neglect and passive behavior than those in the older age group. (3) there is a significant correlation between the parent-child relationship between the mother and the child and the adjustment of the child to kindergarten, and the better the parent-child relationship between the mother and the child, the better the status of the parent-child relationship between the mother and the child. Children showed a better level of kindergarten adaptation. On the basis of the above findings, the mothers and parents of 15 of the children (experimental group) were trained in parent-child relationship training group once a week for 8 weeks by using the self-designed parent-child relationship training program. Another 15 children served as control group without any treatment. Two weeks after the end of the experiment, the maternal rearing style and kindergarten adaptation of the two groups were measured after the experiment. The scores of the experimental group and the control group were compared before and after the experiment, and the effect of experimental intervention was tested. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Parent-child relationship training improves the parenting style of the child's mother, (2) the parent-child training program developed in this study is a set of training programs which can improve the parent-child relationship between mother and child. The results show that parent-child group training is an effective means to improve the quality of parent-child relationship and improve the adaptability of children's kindergarten. Although parent-child training is a work that takes a lot of time and effort, it is associated with enabling children to adapt to a better kindergarten life and even a better society in the future. We believe that these efforts are worth the effort.


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