[Abstract]:The equity of pre-school education means that while increasing the overall educational opportunities of children, it is necessary to ensure that the distribution of educational opportunities is skewed to the disadvantaged groups, that is, to realize the development of poverty. In view of the dual economic structure of urban and rural areas, the social opportunity function of pre-school education of urban families and migrant workers' families is constructed by using the (CHIP) data of China's household income survey project, and the index of increasing poverty is further calculated. The distribution of preschool education opportunities for urban families and migrant families is not poor. Compared with urban families, preschool education opportunities in migrant families are more likely to be occupied by rich families. The countermeasures to promote the equity of preschool education opportunities in urban and rural families are as follows: increasing the income of poor rural families, enhancing their ability to invest in preschool education, constructing a family policy conducive to the equal development of children, and fostering parents' willingness to invest in preschool education; Optimize the supply of pre-school education resources, promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, actively promote pre-school education legislation to protect the legitimate rights of teachers and students.
【作者单位】: 太原理工大学经济管理学院;
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