发布时间:2018-10-04 19:06
【摘要】:家长参与的重要性显而易见。国外学者对家长参与的研究较早,已有许多成功的经验。自20世纪90年代以来,我国学者对这一问题开始关注,这方面的研究日益增多。 本文运用教育社会学的理论视角,从文献和实证两个方面深入剖析了家庭社经地位对家长参与的影响。 通过文献研究,本文首先对家庭社经地位影响家长参与研究的概况作了梳理和分析,其次,对家庭文化及家庭文化资本对家长参与的影响进行了分析,最后,对家庭社经地位影响家长参与机制的演变作了阐述。在文献分析的基础上,本文提出如下结论:在家庭社经地位对家长参与的影响程度上,大体而言,家庭社经地位对家长参与的影响较显著,两者基本上呈正相关的关系;在家庭社经地位对家长参与影响机制的演变上,是从由最初的只关注家庭社经地位这一变量本身的影响发展到对家庭社经地位及家庭中介变量对家长参与影响的过程的分析。 在实证方面,,本研究在广州市白云区、原越秀区及原东山区随机选取公办园、机构团体办园及私人办园各一所,在每所幼儿园中任选一个班的20名儿童家长进行问卷调查。初步得出的结论如下:在家庭社经地位对家长参与的影响方面,前者对后者的直接影响不显著;在影响途径上,前者对后者的影响以间接影响为主;在影响机制上,前者对后者的影响主要是通过家庭中介变量实现的。本研究所采用的家庭中介变量包括亲子关系、家长教育观念及教育态度、家长期望。
[Abstract]:The importance of parental participation is obvious. Foreign scholars have done a lot of successful research on parents' participation. Since 1990's, Chinese scholars have begun to pay attention to this problem, and the research in this field is increasing day by day. From the perspective of educational sociology, this paper analyzes the influence of family social and economic status on parents' participation from two aspects of literature and demonstration. Through the literature research, this paper firstly combs and analyzes the general situation of the research on the influence of family social and economic status on parents' participation, secondly, analyzes the influence of family culture and family cultural capital on parents' participation, finally, it analyzes the influence of family culture and family culture capital on parents' participation. This paper expounds the evolution of the family social and economic status affecting the parents' participation mechanism. On the basis of literature analysis, this paper puts forward the following conclusions: in terms of the influence of family social and economic status on parents' participation, on the whole, the influence of family social and economic status on parents' participation is more significant, and there is a positive correlation between the two; In the evolution of the influence mechanism of the family social economic status on the parents' participation, it is from the influence of the family social and economic status itself to the analysis of the family social and economic status and the family intermediary variable's influence on the parents' participation. In the empirical study, 20 parents of one class in Baiyun District, Yuexiu District and Dongshan District of Guangzhou City were randomly selected to conduct a questionnaire survey. The preliminary conclusions are as follows: in terms of the influence of the family social and economic status on the parents' participation, the former has no significant direct influence on the latter; in the way of influence, the former has an indirect effect on the latter; and on the influence mechanism, the former has an indirect influence on the latter. The influence of the former on the latter is mainly realized by the family intermediary variable. The family intermediary variables used in this study include parent-child relationship, parental education concept, educational attitude and parents' expectation.
[Abstract]:The importance of parental participation is obvious. Foreign scholars have done a lot of successful research on parents' participation. Since 1990's, Chinese scholars have begun to pay attention to this problem, and the research in this field is increasing day by day. From the perspective of educational sociology, this paper analyzes the influence of family social and economic status on parents' participation from two aspects of literature and demonstration. Through the literature research, this paper firstly combs and analyzes the general situation of the research on the influence of family social and economic status on parents' participation, secondly, analyzes the influence of family culture and family cultural capital on parents' participation, finally, it analyzes the influence of family culture and family culture capital on parents' participation. This paper expounds the evolution of the family social and economic status affecting the parents' participation mechanism. On the basis of literature analysis, this paper puts forward the following conclusions: in terms of the influence of family social and economic status on parents' participation, on the whole, the influence of family social and economic status on parents' participation is more significant, and there is a positive correlation between the two; In the evolution of the influence mechanism of the family social economic status on the parents' participation, it is from the influence of the family social and economic status itself to the analysis of the family social and economic status and the family intermediary variable's influence on the parents' participation. In the empirical study, 20 parents of one class in Baiyun District, Yuexiu District and Dongshan District of Guangzhou City were randomly selected to conduct a questionnaire survey. The preliminary conclusions are as follows: in terms of the influence of the family social and economic status on the parents' participation, the former has no significant direct influence on the latter; in the way of influence, the former has an indirect effect on the latter; and on the influence mechanism, the former has an indirect influence on the latter. The influence of the former on the latter is mainly realized by the family intermediary variable. The family intermediary variables used in this study include parent-child relationship, parental education concept, educational attitude and parents' expectation.
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