[Abstract]:Preschool is generally regarded as a critical period for children to acquire a second language or a foreign language. In the past ten years, English teaching for young children has shown a strong trend in many big cities in China. However, there are few studies on second language acquisition in this field in China. Among them, the English immersion teaching model developed jointly by Shaanxi normal University and the University of Great Britain Columbia in Canada shows its vitality under the condition of preschool education in China. Based on a case study of a bilingual kindergarten in Dalian, this paper aims to further explore whether immersion English teaching is a practical and effective pre-school bilingual education model in the Chinese context. After 12 weeks of data collection, this study analyzed the curriculum design, teaching materials, teaching strategies and children's performance of English immersion teaching in this kindergarten by means of observation, video recording, interviews, questionnaires and so on. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) the thematic design of the syllabus makes bilingual education for young children a comprehensive and organic whole; (2) the "Immersion Infant English" textbook is a set of excellent and practical teaching materials which accord with the characteristics of children's physical and mental development. (3) the most effective teaching strategies include encouraging children's direct English cognition and strengthening English response. (4) in English immersion, children have a strong interest in English, and their English and Chinese abilities can be grasped and improved simultaneously. Finally, this paper puts forward some practical suggestions for the further research and further development of infusing English teaching in Chinese context.
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