[Abstract]:The survival state of the teachers in the rural private garden refers to the material and spiritual state of the teachers in the rural private garden under the specific background of promoting the reform of the kindergarten running system. Paying attention to this theme will not only help to improve the work and quality of life of teachers in rural private gardens, but also help to improve the quality of early childhood education in rural areas, as well as the need of building a new socialist countryside. This study synthetically uses many kinds of research methods, such as questionnaire, interview and so on, to carry on the systematic research on the existing situation and influencing factors of teachers in rural private gardens in Rudong County. This paper puts forward some countermeasures to improve the living condition of rural private garden teachers, and on the basis of this, draws the conclusion and reflection of this subject. This study holds that: at present, teachers in rural private gardens in Rudong County have a heavy workload and are not satisfied with their wages, and their self-recognition of their social status is not high in real society, which is very different from the ideal status of preschool teachers. They had a higher degree of satisfaction with co-worker relationships, kindergarten management, and kindergarten careers; they also had a sense of success at work, experienced the joy of success, and continued to enjoy the work of kindergarten. But the willingness to continue working in preschool education is not very strong. The study also holds that the importance of local government, the influence of the reform of preschool education system, the influence of parents' attitude, the conditions of entry of preschool teachers, and the expectation of teachers themselves are all the important factors that affect the living conditions of teachers in rural private gardens.
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