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发布时间:2018-10-30 20:52
【摘要】:学前言语教育关涉到整个语文教育的基本问题,而在现行有关理论与实践中,争论依然广泛存在。目前急功近利的超前教育理念与操作方式存在着不容忽视的危害;同时,从语言学四个子系统语音、语义、语法和语用的关系研究上,西方强调语法的核心地位,而我国当前的主导思想大多倾向于以语义为核心,,同时注意语音、语法的发展序列,而对语用在儿童言语习得过程中的作用重视不够。 笔者认为,在语音、语义、语法和语用的关系中,语用处于核心的地位,尤其体现在学前儿童的言语习得中:语用是儿童发展言语能力的根本动力;是儿童发展言语能力的基本途径;是衡量儿童言语能力高低的终极标准。以语用为核心来指导言语教育,能很好地联系与整合语音、语义和语法的关系,也更能体现以人为本的教育宗旨。对于学前期的言语教育,我们应高度重视语用对幼儿言语习得的核心作用,并可以据此用“好(hǎo)用、好(hǎo)用、用好”的原则去确定学前言语教育各阶段的教育策略。 最后,就父亲在学前言语教育中的作用、学期言语教育组织形式的恰当采用、良好语言习惯的培养、早期文学因素的教育、早期识字和外语教育等当前学前言语教学中的一些具体问题,笔者尝试以语用核心的观念和前述“好用、好用、用好”的原则,作了自己的判断和阐述。
[Abstract]:Preschool speech education involves the basic problems of the whole Chinese education, but in the current theory and practice, the debate is still widespread. At present, the idea and operation mode of advanced education, which is eager for quick achievement and instant benefit, has some harm that can not be ignored. At the same time, from the study of the relationship among the four sub-systems of linguistics: pronunciation, semantics, grammar and pragmatics, the West emphasizes the core position of grammar, while most of the current dominant thoughts in China tend to take semantics as the core and pay attention to pronunciation at the same time. The developmental sequence of grammar does not pay enough attention to the role of pragmatics in children's speech acquisition. The author holds that pragmatics plays a key role in the relationship among phonology, semantics, grammar and pragmatics, especially in the speech acquisition of preschool children: pragmatics is the fundamental motive force for the development of children's speech ability; It is the basic way to develop children's speech ability and the ultimate criterion to measure children's speech ability. Taking pragmatics as the core to guide speech education can well link with and integrate the relationship between pronunciation, semantics and grammar, and also embody the people-oriented educational aim. In the early stage of learning, we should attach great importance to the core role of pragmatics in children's speech acquisition, and we can use the principle of "good", "good" and "good" to determine the educational strategies of each stage of pre-school speech education. Finally, on the role of father in preschool speech education, the proper use of the organizational form of speech education in the semester, the cultivation of good language habits, and the education of early literary factors, Some specific problems in preschool speech teaching, such as early literacy and foreign language education, are discussed in this paper. The author tries to make his own judgment and elaboration based on the pragmatic core concept and the principle of "good use and good use" mentioned above.


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