[Abstract]:Only by the educational administration department, the assets are state-owned, and the investment and operation funds for the operation of the park are mainly of the state financial funds, and the main managers are appointed by the educational administration departments. Only when the educational administrative department can manage and assess the kindergarten substantially can it be defined as a public garden, otherwise it belongs to a non-public garden. In the construction of public service system of preschool education in China, public kindergartens should be the main body to give full play to the functions of "covering", "leading" and "keeping bottom" so as to provide a fair opportunity for all school-age children in the region to receive preschool education. In view of the significant regional differences in China, the county administrative divisions should be taken as the unit planning, construction and development of public gardens. The county-level government should construct and support the whole public service system of preschool education mainly by holding a sufficient number of public kindergartens that meet the basic quality standards. To this end, their regional master plans should be practical and timely; We should make full use of the social resources and insist on keeping the bottom of the public garden, and the progress of the construction of the public garden should be early, fast and not late.
【作者单位】: 《学前教育研究》杂志编辑部;长沙师范学院;
【基金】:湖南省情与决策咨询研究课题“湖南县域学前教育公共服务体系构建过程与现状研究”[2014ZZ080] 湖南省教育科学“十二五”规划省级一般资助课题“湖南省学前教育政府主导的责任落实研究”[XJK012BJJ006]
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