[Abstract]:Based on class sociology theory, class activity theory, group theory and learning theory, and developmental curriculum evaluation theory, this paper discusses the kindergarten curriculum evaluation based on class. This study consists of four parts: the first chapter consists of kindergarten and class, kindergarten curriculum and kindergarten class curriculum. The relationship between kindergarten curriculum evaluation and class based kindergarten curriculum evaluation discusses the possibility and necessity of class based kindergarten curriculum evaluation. The second chapter discusses the purpose and significance of class-based kindergarten curriculum evaluation. The main purpose is to promote the development of kindergarten curriculum, the ultimate purpose is to promote human development. The significance lies in understanding the implementation of each kindergarten class curriculum, grasping the problems existing in each class curriculum in kindergarten, enriching the experience of early childhood education in theory and practice, and finally promoting the development of early childhood education. The third chapter discusses the kindergarten class curriculum evaluation from the basic elements of kindergarten curriculum evaluation, that is, evaluation purpose, content, subject and object, standards and methods. The emphasis of each piece in the discussion is different. The first five parts discuss the evaluation of each part from the curriculum itself, including the evaluation of class curriculum concept, objectives, scheme structure, curriculum environment and the development and utilization of curriculum resources, and the corresponding evaluation criteria. The sixth part discusses the evaluation of kindergarten class curriculum organization and implementation from teaching activities, game activities and life activities. The seventh part discusses the effect of curriculum from the evaluation of human development, including the development of young children, teachers and other curriculum participants, and tends to discuss the qualitative evaluation methods of children and teachers. The eighth part discusses the meta-evaluation of kindergarten curriculum evaluation based on class. The fourth chapter reflects on the research of kindergarten curriculum evaluation based on class and points out that the evaluation of kindergarten curriculum has the characteristics of action research, particularity, is a complex system, and is pluralistic.
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