[Abstract]:In this study, 136 kindergarten teachers in four cities of Fujian Province were investigated with daily reproduction method. A total of 2468 activity events were collected, and the overall performance of daily working emotional experience of kindergarten teachers was obtained. The change of daily rhythm and the data of activity content, activity location, activity object are different, and through the difference test, it is found that educational background and kindergarten quality grade have significant influence on teachers' daily work emotional experience. Kindergarten teachers' daily working emotional experience shows the following basic characteristics: generally speaking, positive emotional experience is slightly higher than negative emotional experience, exhaustion and enrichment are typical manifestations of negative emotional experience and positive emotional experience, respectively. There are some situations and differences. In terms of influencing factors, positive career commitment and a certain sense of teaching efficacy have an important impact on the positive emotional experience of teachers, while greater workload, work pressure and writing tasks, less relaxation time, Unsatisfactory interpersonal atmosphere is an important factor to promote teachers' negative emotional experience. The government educational management department and kindergarten management should pay attention to the emotional experience of kindergarten teachers, protect their positive and precious emotional state, find and promote the important significance of "teachers and children living together" in teachers' professional career, and reduce the burden reasonably. In order to improve the interpersonal atmosphere of kindergarten, we should set up leisure projects to reconcile emotions in non-main class time, seek effective teaching and research methods and strengthen the positive emotional experience of teachers' daily work, so as to improve the interpersonal atmosphere of kindergarten. To realize the common development of teachers and nursery schools.
【作者单位】: 福建师范大学教育学院;
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