[Abstract]:In the past ten years, countries pay more and more attention to the problem of preschool education for disadvantaged children. China and India are both developing countries, and have similar social development level, which makes it more possible and practical significance to learn from the exploration results of solving the problem of preschool education of disadvantaged children in India. By means of literature retrieval and analysis, this paper introduces the development of pre-school education of disadvantaged children in India after independence, and analyzes the three aspects of law and finance, policies and projects, and non-formal preschool education. The enlightenment of solving the problem of preschool education for disadvantaged children is gained. According to the present situation of our country, some suggestions are put forward: to establish and perfect the guarantee and support system, to pay attention to and intervene, to increase the financial input, to strengthen the construction of teachers to improve the teaching quality of preschool education, and to improve the teaching quality of preschool education. To promote the development of preschool education for disadvantaged children in China.
【作者单位】: 吉林师范大学研究生院;
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