发布时间:2018-12-12 12:52
[Abstract]:The assignment of parent-child homework by teachers is a common way of promoting the development of children in their homes. If it is carried out well, it will be beneficial to the development of young children and to the cultivation of good parent-child feelings. More conducive to cooperation in the home to produce positive educational forces. If the parent-child homework is divorced from the reality, regardless of the child's physical and mental characteristics, blindly pursuing the so-called innovation, so that the child can complete the impossible homework, the parents will.
【作者单位】: 宁波大学教师教育学院;
[Abstract]:The assignment of parent-child homework by teachers is a common way of promoting the development of children in their homes. If it is carried out well, it will be beneficial to the development of young children and to the cultivation of good parent-child feelings. More conducive to cooperation in the home to produce positive educational forces. If the parent-child homework is divorced from the reality, regardless of the child's physical and mental characteristics, blindly pursuing the so-called innovation, so that the child can complete the impossible homework, the parents will.
【作者单位】: 宁波大学教师教育学院;
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