[Abstract]:According to the American curriculum expert Senna, the curriculum is the design drawing of a building, the teacher is the concrete constructor; the curriculum is the plan of a ball game, and the teacher is the player who can carry out the game; the curriculum is a music score, and the teacher is the performer of the work. In fact, teachers play an important role in curriculum reform. They face a series of problems and obstacles that will affect the overall situation of curriculum reform. Therefore, teachers are the main body of curriculum reform and the main force of curriculum reform. Of course, there is no exception to kindergarten curriculum reform. Imagine that without the sincere recognition and acceptance of preschool teachers in their psychology, and without their active cooperation and active participation in their behavior, What is the result of kindergarten curriculum reform if there is no intrinsic motive force of change for kindergarten teachers and no real learning of kindergarten teachers? Since the promulgation of the new outline, kindergarten curriculum reform in China has entered a new stage. The curriculum reform has put forward unprecedented requirements and challenges to teachers. The new concept not only requires teachers to become curriculum exploration, The developers of the curriculum, the child's supporters, also require the professional development of teachers. Do kindergarten teachers agree with the intention of this reform? The purpose of this study is to find out the real attitude of kindergarten teachers towards kindergarten curriculum reform by investigating the identity of kindergarten curriculum reform in some kindergartens, and then from the curriculum itself. Teachers and external support explore the factors that affect preschool teachers, and give some suggestions on how to strengthen the identity of preschool teachers to curriculum reform. This study holds that teachers' identity to kindergarten curriculum reform is generally high from a macro perspective, but from a micro perspective, teachers' identity to kindergarten curriculum reform is only a negative one. That is to say, they are forced to identify. The concrete manifestation is: attitude-indifference; behavior intention-drawing gourd according to the sample; cost benefit-more than enough effort; practicability-conflict between ideal and reality; support in the garden-sufficient hardware, insufficient software; Support outside the garden-isolated, find its own way out. In view of the curriculum itself, there is the extraneous nature of the curriculum idea and mode, which makes the curriculum practice like a castle in the air. The research of preschool curriculum and teacher's professional growth is not enough for the theory of preschool teacher. From the teacher's own point of view, the curriculum consciousness is weak or even lacking; the teaching and research ability is poor; the psychological pressure of lack of knowledge; the inertia of habit; the age structure of teacher is unreasonable and so on. From the external support, the concept advocated by the curriculum reform conflicts with the "knowledge based" education view of the parents of young children; it lacks the cooperation and support of the pre-school education department and the preschool education specialty attached to the university; the kindergarten lacks the research atmosphere and so on. In order to change the present situation, the author thinks that we should win the support of society and parents, change teachers' curriculum consciousness thoroughly, strengthen teachers' education, reduce teachers' psychological anxiety and recognize teachers' educational behavior.
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