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发布时间:2019-03-11 10:20
【摘要】: 幼儿园教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,是我国学校教育和终身教育的奠基阶段,幼儿教育要发展,幼儿教师是关键。没有高素质的幼儿教师,就没有高质量的幼儿教育。教研素养是现代幼儿教师必备的素养之一,教师只有把自己定位在教育研究者角色上,才能更好地改进教学活动,促进儿童发展。幼儿教师的教研水平高低直接影响了学前教育的质量。 本研究首次从安阳市幼儿教育实际出发,运用文献法、调查法、访谈法、文本分析法等对安阳市幼儿教师的教研现状进行了全面的调查和了解,笔者结合调查数据分析指出了当前安阳市幼儿教师教研素养中存在的主要问题,探讨了影响幼儿教师教研素养发展的因素,提出了相应的针对性措施和建议。文章主体包含三部分: 第一部分:安阳幼儿教师教研现状中存在的问题,主要表现在教师教研意识淡薄、教研知识比较缺乏、教研能力较弱、教研道德出现一些偏差、教研内容主要集中在课堂教学研究、教研成果匮乏等方面。 第二部分:阻碍安阳市幼儿教师教研水平提高的因素,主要从幼儿教师自身、社会政府、幼儿园管理、教研员的引领四方面结合实证数据进行了较全面深入的分析。 第三部分:促进幼儿教师教研水平提高的措施及建议,主要从加强幼儿师范教育、教育行政部门提供政策保障和导向引领、幼儿园园本教研制度建设、加强幼儿教师职后培训、充分发挥教研员的引领作用、幼儿教师积极努力提高自己的教研水平六个方面提出了具体的建议。 本研究综合分析了安阳幼教领域中各种相互影响的因素,可以为教育管理部门的宏观管理、决策提供理论和实践依据,为幼儿园实施科学管理,有效提高教师教育教研水平提供可借鉴之处,同时为幼儿教师教研水平的发展提供了途径和基本的教研方法指导,对发展当地的幼教事业具有一定的现实意义。
[Abstract]:Kindergarten education is an important part of basic education and the foundation stage of school education and lifelong education in China. Preschool teachers are the key to the development of early childhood education. Without high-quality preschool teachers, there will be no high-quality early childhood education. Teaching and research literacy is one of the necessary qualities for modern preschool teachers. Only by positioning themselves in the role of educational researchers can teachers improve their teaching activities and promote the development of children. The teaching and research level of preschool teachers has a direct impact on the quality of pre-school education. Based on the actual situation of early childhood education in Anyang City, the present situation of preschool teachers' teaching and research in Anyang City has been investigated and understood comprehensively by means of literature, investigation, interview, text analysis, and so on, for the first time, the present situation of preschool teachers in Anyang has been investigated and understood. Based on the analysis of the survey data, the author points out the main problems existing in the teaching and research literacy of preschool teachers in Anyang City, probes into the factors affecting the development of the teaching and research literacy of preschool teachers, and puts forward some relevant measures and suggestions. The main body of the article consists of three parts: the first part: the problems existing in the present situation of Anyang preschool teachers' teaching and research, mainly manifested in the weak awareness of teachers' teaching and research, the lack of teaching and research knowledge, and the weak ability of teaching and research. There are some deviations in the morality of teaching and research, and the contents of teaching and research are mainly focused on classroom teaching and research, the lack of teaching and research results and so on. The second part: the factors that hinder the improvement of preschool teachers' teaching and research level in Anyang city, mainly from four aspects: preschool teachers themselves, social government, kindergarten management, and the guidance of teachers and researchers, combined with the empirical data for a more comprehensive and in-depth analysis. Part III: measures and suggestions to promote the improvement of preschool teachers' teaching and research level, mainly from strengthening preschool teacher education, providing policy protection and guidance by educational administrative departments, constructing kindergarten-based teaching and research system, and strengthening post-service training of preschool teachers. Giving full play to the leading role of teaching and research staff, preschool teachers actively strive to improve their level of teaching and research in six aspects put forward specific suggestions. This study comprehensively analyzes the factors that influence each other in the field of Anyang preschool education, which can provide the theoretical and practical basis for the macro-management and decision-making of the educational management department, and provide the scientific management for the kindergarten. It can be used for reference to improve the teaching and research level of teachers effectively. At the same time, it provides the way and the basic teaching and research method guidance for the development of preschool teachers' teaching and research level, which is of practical significance to the development of local preschool education.


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