发布时间:2019-05-16 08:21
【摘要】: 本论文旨在通过对2至6岁汉语普通话儿童的语音习得进行大规模的断层调查,来研究声母习得顺序和错误替代类型,文中首先对数据进行详细的描写,然后通过优选论的理论框架来解释习得顺序和错误产生的原因。 汉语普通话语音习得的大规模数据在大陆还不是很多,此研究在石家庄的3所幼儿园选取了149名从2岁至6岁的儿童,通过试验,获取他们的相关数据。 基于数据,本文给出了音段的习得顺序,音段的习得年龄,以及音段的习得关键期。关键期就是某个音段在某个阶段进步十分明显。有些音的习得期和关键期一致,有些则不一致。 通过对数据的比较分析,我们发现习得过程中的很多现象,有些现象跟先前的研究相符,有些则不相符。下面是本文的发现结果。 对于塞音,前辅音早于后辅音,/t/早于/k/。但对于擦音和塞擦音就不一定如此。 送气与不送气的对立是汉语的一个特征。我们发现送气音晚于不送气音。但送气这一特征在2岁半至3岁这个阶段习得,之后儿章几乎就不再犯关于送气的错误了。 塞音早于擦音和塞擦音。擦音普遍早于塞擦音。但也有个别例外,如/s/。 擦音中/x/和/(?)/是最早被习得的,其次是/f/。从擦音和塞擦音的发音部位来说,舌面音习得早于卷舌音。卷舌音习得早于齿龈音。 齿龈和卷舌擦音和塞擦音极易颚化。 边音/l/较晚。 滑音和鼻音较早。 /t/在汉语儿童语言中是最普遍的音,几乎所有儿童存在困难的音都以一定的比率被发成/t/。 除了上面的关于音段习得顺序的发现之外,另一个最主要的发现是音段的习得顺序跟替代类型之间的匹配。通过不同辅音之间的替代,以及某些音段习得的同时性,我们建立了一个替代关系图。 在这些替代关系中,我们还发现了一个重要的现象,那就是有些替代关系可以传递,我们在文中叫二次替代或多次替代。这种替代关系简单的说就是如果存在音段A被音段B替代,音段B被音段C替代,那么就有音段A被音段C替代。从A到C的替代过程中出现了替代的传递。并且传递关系的停止也很有规律,一旦B到C的替代停止了,那么A到C的替代也随之停止。 从儿童的替代模式到能正确发音的过程中间,我们看见了儿童语音的发展。通过在优选论框架下的分析,发现在本试验中,年龄小的儿童的制约条件还排序还没有完全确定,还存在标记性制约条件位于忠实性制约条件之上的现象,但随着儿童的发展,制约条件的排序逐渐稳定下来,并且达到了与成人一致的排序,忠实性制约条件位于标记性制约条件之上。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to study the order and error substitution types of consonant acquisition through a large-scale tomographic survey of phonetic acquisition of Chinese Putonghua children aged 2 to 6 years old. First of all, the data are described in detail. Then the theoretical framework of optimization theory is used to explain the order of acquisition and the causes of errors. There are not many large-scale data on Mandarin phonetic acquisition in mainland China. 149 children between the ages of 2 and 6 were selected from three kindergartens in Shijiazhuang, and their relevant data were obtained through experiments. Based on the data, this paper gives the acquisition order of segments, the acquisition age of segments, and the key period of segment acquisition. The key period is that a certain segment progress is very obvious at a certain stage. The acquisition period of some sounds is consistent with the critical period, while others are inconsistent. Through the comparative analysis of the data, we find that many phenomena in the acquisition process, some phenomena are consistent with the previous study, some are not consistent. The following are the findings of this paper. For plug sound, the front consonant is earlier than the rear consonant, / t / before / k. But this is not necessarily the case for erasing and erasing sounds. The opposition between gas delivery and non-gas delivery is a feature of Chinese. We found that the air tone was later than the no air sound. But the characteristic of gas delivery was learned between the ages of 2 and a half and 3, and since then there has been little mistake about gas delivery. The sound of the plug is earlier than the sound of the wipe and the sound of the plug. The erasing sound is generally earlier than the erasing sound. However, there are individual exceptions, such as / s / s. Erasing / x / and / (?) / was the first to be learned, followed by / f. In terms of the pronunciation of scraping and erasing sounds, the tongue surface sound is acquired earlier than the rolling tongue sound. Curling tongue sounds are acquired earlier than gum sounds. Gums and curls are easy to jaw. The sideline / l / is late. Slippery and nasal sounds are earlier. / t / is the most common sound in Chinese children's language, and almost all difficult sounds in children are pronounced at a certain rate. In addition to the above findings on the order of segment acquisition, another of the most important findings is the matching between the acquisition order of segments and the type of substitution. Through the substitution between different consonants and the chronicity of some segments acquisition, we establish an alternative relation diagram. In these substitution relationships, we have also found an important phenomenon, that is, some substitution relations can be transferred, which we call secondary substitution or multiple substitution in this paper. This substitution relationship is simply that if segment A is replaced by segment B and segment B is replaced by segment C, then segment A is replaced by segment C. There is an alternative transfer in the process of substitution from A to C. And the stop of the transitive relationship is also very regular, once the substitution of B to C stops, then the substitution of A to C also stops. From the substitution mode of children to the correct pronunciation process, we have seen the development of children's pronunciation. Through the analysis under the framework of optimization theory, it is found that in this experiment, the order of constraints for young children has not been completely determined, and there is still a phenomenon that the marked constraints are above the constraints of faithfulness, but with the development of children, The ranking of constraints has gradually stabilized and reached the same ranking as adults, and the constraints of faithfulness are above the marked constraints.
[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to study the order and error substitution types of consonant acquisition through a large-scale tomographic survey of phonetic acquisition of Chinese Putonghua children aged 2 to 6 years old. First of all, the data are described in detail. Then the theoretical framework of optimization theory is used to explain the order of acquisition and the causes of errors. There are not many large-scale data on Mandarin phonetic acquisition in mainland China. 149 children between the ages of 2 and 6 were selected from three kindergartens in Shijiazhuang, and their relevant data were obtained through experiments. Based on the data, this paper gives the acquisition order of segments, the acquisition age of segments, and the key period of segment acquisition. The key period is that a certain segment progress is very obvious at a certain stage. The acquisition period of some sounds is consistent with the critical period, while others are inconsistent. Through the comparative analysis of the data, we find that many phenomena in the acquisition process, some phenomena are consistent with the previous study, some are not consistent. The following are the findings of this paper. For plug sound, the front consonant is earlier than the rear consonant, / t / before / k. But this is not necessarily the case for erasing and erasing sounds. The opposition between gas delivery and non-gas delivery is a feature of Chinese. We found that the air tone was later than the no air sound. But the characteristic of gas delivery was learned between the ages of 2 and a half and 3, and since then there has been little mistake about gas delivery. The sound of the plug is earlier than the sound of the wipe and the sound of the plug. The erasing sound is generally earlier than the erasing sound. However, there are individual exceptions, such as / s / s. Erasing / x / and / (?) / was the first to be learned, followed by / f. In terms of the pronunciation of scraping and erasing sounds, the tongue surface sound is acquired earlier than the rolling tongue sound. Curling tongue sounds are acquired earlier than gum sounds. Gums and curls are easy to jaw. The sideline / l / is late. Slippery and nasal sounds are earlier. / t / is the most common sound in Chinese children's language, and almost all difficult sounds in children are pronounced at a certain rate. In addition to the above findings on the order of segment acquisition, another of the most important findings is the matching between the acquisition order of segments and the type of substitution. Through the substitution between different consonants and the chronicity of some segments acquisition, we establish an alternative relation diagram. In these substitution relationships, we have also found an important phenomenon, that is, some substitution relations can be transferred, which we call secondary substitution or multiple substitution in this paper. This substitution relationship is simply that if segment A is replaced by segment B and segment B is replaced by segment C, then segment A is replaced by segment C. There is an alternative transfer in the process of substitution from A to C. And the stop of the transitive relationship is also very regular, once the substitution of B to C stops, then the substitution of A to C also stops. From the substitution mode of children to the correct pronunciation process, we have seen the development of children's pronunciation. Through the analysis under the framework of optimization theory, it is found that in this experiment, the order of constraints for young children has not been completely determined, and there is still a phenomenon that the marked constraints are above the constraints of faithfulness, but with the development of children, The ranking of constraints has gradually stabilized and reached the same ranking as adults, and the constraints of faithfulness are above the marked constraints.
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