本文关键词:基于绩效评估理念的高等职业院校新方案评估研究 出处:《南京师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 绩效评估 高等职业院校 新方案评估 人才培养工作
【摘要】:目前我国高等职业教育在由规模扩张阶段向内涵建设阶段过渡。为了提高高职院校人才培养的质量,政府采取了各项措施,高职院校评估是其中的一项重要举措。2008年高等职业院校新一轮评估在原方案评估的基础上,按照修订后的新评估方案应运而生,这也是对第一轮评估的持续改进。新方案评估借鉴了企业绩效评估理念,并将这一理念贯穿于评估的全过程。它以加强学校内涵建设和整体绩效水平为己任,建立起了一种新型的高职教育人才培养工作评估的新模式,采用数据采集平台与现场考察相结合的方式,发现学校在人才培养过程中存在的问题,分析其原因并给予建设性意见。 本文以绩效评估这一理念为出发点,在已有研究的基础上,首先对第一轮评估的产生背景和其中存在的问题进行了分析,由此引出新方案评估。其次对基于绩效评估理念的高等职业院校新方案评估的内涵、管理学方法、思路以及与企业绩效评估的关系进行理论探索,分析了新方案评估的特征,主要包含评估目标注重内涵发展、评估方法简便化、评估主体多元化、评估方法去等级化、评估逻辑自下而上;通过对江苏省三所实施新方案评估的高职院校进行实地调查,从参评学校的角度了解新一轮评估的具体实施状况,分析了学校在新方案评估实施中存在的问题,主要有数据采集平台的数据真实性难以保证、兼职教师比例规定较高、社会参与不足、学校内部质量保障意识不强;为了使新方案评估取得更好的实施效果,发挥评估的导向与诊断功能,在实地调查研究的基础上,尝试从内部与外部两个视角对完善新方案评估提出了保障建议,外部主要包括理顺多元评价机制、持续开展专家培训、保障社会力量参与;内部包括强化自我评估观念、完善数据采集平台、加强内部质量保障。
[Abstract]:The higher occupation education in our country in the transition stage from scale expansion to connotation construction phase. In order to improve the quality of talents training in higher vocational colleges, the government has taken various measures, vocational assessment is the basis for an important measure in the.2008 years of higher occupation colleges in the new round of assessment in the original scheme, came into being in accordance with the new assessment program after the revision, which is the continuous improvement on the first round of evaluation. The new scheme using the concept of evaluation of enterprise performance evaluation, and the whole process of this concept through the evaluation. It is to strengthen the school connotation construction and the overall performance level of responsibility, establish a new mode of higher vocational education talents cultivation evaluation model the platform uses data collection and field investigation combination, find the school on the problems existing in the process of personnel training, to analyze the reasons and give constructive suggestions.
In this paper, the concept of performance evaluation as a starting point, on the basis of the existing research, first on the first round of assessment of the background and the existing problems are analyzed, which leads to new project evaluation. Secondly, the connotation of the new program of higher occupation colleges performance evaluation concept evaluation based on the method of management theory to explore ideas and evaluate the relationship between enterprise performance, analyzes the characteristics of the new project evaluation, mainly includes the evaluation target focus on content development, the evaluation method is simple, multi subject assessment, assessment method to grade, evaluation logic bottom-up; Higher Vocational Colleges of Jiangsu province through three of the implementation of the new scheme is evaluated by field survey, specific to understand the status of implementation of a new round of evaluation from participating in the school's point of view, analyzes the existing in the implementation of the new scheme in the evaluation of school problems, the main data collection platform number According to the reality is difficult to guarantee, the proportion of part-time teachers prescribed high, lack of public participation, the school internal quality assurance consciousness is not strong; in order to make the new project evaluation implementation achieved better effect, play a guiding and diagnosis function evaluation, on the basis of field investigations, attempts from the two perspectives of internal and external security recommendations perfect the new scheme mainly includes the external evaluation, straighten out the multi evaluation system, continue to carry out expert training, guarantee the participation of social forces; internal self assessment including strengthening the concept, improve the data acquisition platform, strengthen the internal quality assurance.
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