本文关键词:高职院校价值观教育研究 出处:《河北师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:价值观是主体对周围一切客观事物的意义、重要性的根本观点和评价标准,它是人们判断事物有无价值及价值大小的准则。价值观对个人与社会有着导向作用,是决定人们行为的心理基础,是决定人们看法和行为的根本出发点。价值观不是与生俱来的,是人们在社会化的过程中逐渐形成的。树立正确的价值观,才能树立正确的人生观,才能实现自身的价值。因此,,价值观教育是现代德育教育的重要内容。价值观教育是一个永恒的课题,也是一个动态的课题,在不同的历史时期,不同的社会背景下,价值观教育的内容、形式和途径都会有不同表现形式。 当前,中国社会正处于一个急剧变化的转型时期,其主要表现是当今中国正在完成从计划经济到中国特色社会主义市场经济的转型,从传统社会向现代化社会的转型。转型是一种深刻而广泛的社会变革,其影响绝不局限于政治、经济或物质文明,而且也涉及人的价值观念、社会心理、行为方式等方方面面。人们的思想观念、价值取向、思维方式、行为习惯和人际交往等方面都发生了深刻的变化。进入市场经济社会以来,各种社会思潮对大学生的价值观影响很大,大学生价值观的选择与塑造遇到前所未有的挑战。同时,各种思潮相互碰撞,也使得大学生思想空前活跃,精华与糟粕并存,思想由单纯渐趋复杂,价值观念发生前所未有的变化。社会转型期的特点,使大学生价值观塑造也遇到了挑战。大学生群体作为整个社会的一个重要有机组成部分,将要担当服务社会、服务群众、建设祖国的重任。因此,他们的价值观在社会转型时期所发生的一系列的变化,尤其值得我们关注。 随着经济全球化的发展,科技的进步日新月异,大学生的价值观发生了明显的变化。从某种意义上说,它代表了中国社会价值观变化发展的总趋势,体现了鲜明的时代特征。主体意识显著增强,价值取向和价值标准更加务实化、功利化,价值目标由一元化走向多元化。在我国高等教育中,有一类特殊群体,就是高职院校。高职教育是高等教育办学模式的一种,既有共性又有其特殊性。高职院校的大学生,有着相同的社会文化背景,但在知识结构、认知水平、综合素质、个性特征等方面,与其他大学生相比,又有着显著的差异。 高等职业教育是高等教育的重要组成部分,担负着为现代化建设培养高素质的技能型专门人才的重任,对高等教育大众化做出了重要贡献,是普通高等教育无法替代的类型。近年来,高职职业教育蓬勃发展,同时,高职院校大学生的价值观教育也备受关注,因为这关系到社会主义现代化建设的进程。正确认识和把握高职院校大学生价值观教育的内容,探索行之有效的新途径新方法,是当前高校思想政治教育工作者们的紧迫任务之一。 高职院校大学生的价值观,总体上是令人满意的,是积极向上的。他们有强烈的爱国意识,对改革开放充满信心,积极进取、勇于创新是他们主流的人生价值取向。但是,随着市场经济的发展,在各种文化思潮的冲击下,他们的价值观由过去的理想性趋向现实化、实用化、功利化,甚至出现了信仰危机、诚信缺失的现象,产生了实用主义、个人主义、物质主义、利己主义等消极思想。由此可见,高职院校大学生的价值观是尚不稳定,尚不成熟的,而且存在着明显的偏失与扭曲。 本文以马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论及“三个代表”重要思想为理论指导,坚持科学发展观,以加强高职院校大学生价值观教育工作为出发点和归宿点,从实际情况出发,综合运用思想政治教育学的有关理论,结合心理学、社会学、哲学等人文社会科学的相关知识,对这一问题进行分析和探讨。 本文详细阐述了价值观的含义以及价值观在高职院校思想政治教育中的重要地位。然后立足于社会转型期的背景,通过深入了解和分析代高职院校大学生价值观特点,进一步分析了当代高职院校大学生价值观形成的主要原因。最后提出了加强高职院校价值观教育的对策和实施途径。通过社会主义核心价值体系,确立实施价值观教育的新理念,增强学校、家庭、社会等教育合力,优化育人环境,加强校园网络阵地建设,充分发挥校园文化的作用,加强心理健康教育,引导高职院校大学生积极参加社会实践活动,建造一支高水平的辅导员队伍等有实效措施,来提高高职院校大学生价值观教育的实效。
[Abstract]:Values are subject to all around the objective things, basic ideas and evaluation criteria of importance, it is people judge things have value and value criterion. The values have a guiding effect on individual and society, is the psychological base determines people's behavior, is the basic starting decision people views and behavior.. the value is not innate, gradually people in the process of socialization. To establish the correct values, to establish a correct outlook on life, to realize their own value. Therefore, values education is the important content of modern moral education teaching activities. Values education is an eternal topic. That is also a dynamic problem, in different historical periods, different social background, values education content, form and way will have different forms.
At present, the transition period China society is in a rapidly changing, the main performance is the Chinese completing the transformation from planned economy to Chinese socialist market economy, from traditional society to modern society. The transformation is a profound social change, its impact will never be limited to political, economic or material civilization, concept of value, but also relates to the social psychology, behavior and other aspects. People's ideology, value orientation, mode of thinking, behavior habits and interpersonal aspects have undergone profound changes. Since entering the market economy, the value of social thoughts on College Students' view of great influence select the values of college students and the challenges encountered hitherto unknown shape. At the same time, various thoughts mutualcollision also makes students an active thought, essence and dregs coexist, thought by Simple gradually complicated, values have hitherto unknown change. The characteristics of the social transition period, the values of college students shape also met the challenge. College students as the whole society is an important organic part, to play social services, serving the people, the task of building the motherland. Therefore, their values in social transformation during the period of the occurrence of a series of changes, especially worthy of our attention.
With the development of economic globalization, the progress of science and technology change rapidly, the values of college students has changed significantly. In a sense, it represents the general trend of Chinese social values change and development, embodies the distinctive characteristics of the times. The subject consciousness was enhanced significantly, the value orientation and value standard is more pragmatic, utilitarian and the value goal of diversification. In our country's higher education, there is a special group, is the higher vocational colleges. Higher vocational education is a kind of higher education mode, both have generality and particularity. The colleges students have different social and cultural background, but in the knowledge structure. The cognitive level, comprehensive quality, personality characteristics, compared with other college students, there are significant differences.
The higher occupation education is an important part of higher education, play an important role in cultivating high-quality skilled talents for the modernization construction, has made important contributions to the popularization of higher education, higher education is irreplaceable. In recent years, higher vocational education occupation development, at the same time, the higher vocational college students' values education also of concern, as it relates to the process of socialist modernization. To correctly understand and grasp the contents of values education of college students in higher vocational colleges, explore new ways to effective, is the urgent task of the current ideological and political education workers in Colleges and universities.
Higher Vocational College Students' values, is generally satisfactory, is positive. They have a strong sense of patriotism, to reform and opening up confidence, positive enterprising, innovation is the mainstream of their life value orientation. However, with the development of market economy, in various cultural thoughts under the impact of their values from the ideal sexual orientation realistic, practical, utilitarian, or even a crisis of faith, honesty phenomenon, the pragmatism, individualism, materialism, individualism and negative thoughts. Judging from this, the higher vocational college students' values is still not stable, is still not mature, and there are obvious effect and distortion.
The Marx doctrine, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" as guidance, adhere to Scientific Outlook on Development, to strengthen the vocational college students values education as the starting point and end point, starting from the actual situation, the integrated use of the theory of Ideological and political education combined with psychology, sociology and related knowledge philosophy and the humanities and Social Sciences, to analyze and discuss this problem.
This paper expounds the meaning of the values and the values of the important position in the ideological and political education in higher vocational colleges. Then based onthe background of social transition, through in-depth understanding and analysis of the characteristics of Vocational College Students' values generation, further analyzed the main reasons for the formation of the values of Contemporary College students in higher vocational colleges. Finally, put forward to strengthen higher vocational colleges the values education countermeasures and ways of implementation. Through the establishment of the socialist core value system, the implementation of the new concept of value education and enhance the school, family, society and education, optimize the educational environment, strengthen the construction of Campus network position, give full play to the role of campus culture, strengthen the mental health education, guide students to actively participate in social practice in Higher Vocational Colleges activities, to build a high level team of counselors are effective measures to improve college students' Values Education in Higher Vocational Colleges The actual effect of breeding.
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