发布时间:2018-01-18 07:19
本文关键词:当前高职学生学习目的调查与研究 出处:《西安建筑科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:学习目的是指学习者通过学习要达到或者实现目标要求和抱负水平。随着经济社会的发展和需求,高技能人才在市场经济中发挥着重要的作用,国家也越来越重视高等职业教育的发展,对高职学生也给予更高的期望和要求。同时,随着经济、文化多元化发展,进而对高职学生学习目的产生了不小的影响,在此背景下,针对目前部分高职院校学习风气不浓,,学习价值取向多样化的现实情况,深入研究和探讨高职学生学习目的就显得十分及时和必要。因此,应当引导高职学生对学习目的的深刻认识,明确其学习目的,这不仅关系到高职学生自身的发展;还可以充分提高高等职业教育的品质;乃至影响社会经济的发展。 本研究主要采用了文献研究法、比较分析法、调查分析法以及访谈法等方法。笔者以问卷调研和访谈法相结合的方式探究高职学生学习目的现状,以此达到最接近研究课题的真实全貌的目的。在此基础上,本文对当前新时期下高职学生学习目的进行深入透彻的探讨,高职学生学习目的各结构要素及其关系,通过调研发现目前高职学生学习目的具有多样性和实用性的显著特点,对影响其学习目的的外因、内因作出深入的分析与探讨。其特点与社会经济文化发展、就业、家庭环境等外部因素及人格、价值取向等内部因素有关。 在总结前面研究的成果的基础上,以学生为中心,本文提出了建立优良文化氛围和科学的高职院校机制;加强院校思想文化建设和“双师型”教师队伍建设;提高教师教学质量和对学生价值观的引导;建立家长、教师良好沟通;学生自身提高机制等五项帮助学生树立积极、明确学习目的的策略。希望本研究成果能为高职院校重视在对学生进行学习目的教育和引导上有参考价值,为家长教育子女、为学生自我教育有借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:The purpose of learning is to achieve or achieve the level of goals and aspirations through learning. With the development and demand of economy and society, highly skilled talents play an important role in the market economy. The country also pays more and more attention to the development of higher vocational education, and gives higher expectations and requirements to higher vocational students. At the same time, with the development of economic and cultural diversity. Therefore, it has a great influence on the purpose of higher vocational students' study. Under this background, in view of the fact that the study atmosphere is not strong and the learning value orientation is diversified in some higher vocational colleges at present. It is very timely and necessary to deeply study and discuss the learning purpose of higher vocational students. Therefore, it is necessary to guide the students to have a deep understanding of the learning purpose and to clarify their learning purpose. This is not only related to the development of higher vocational students themselves; It can also improve the quality of higher vocational education; Even affect the development of social economy. This research mainly uses the literature research method, the comparative analysis method, the investigation analysis method and the interview method and so on. The author uses the questionnaire investigation and the interview method to explore the vocational college student study goal present situation. On the basis of this, this paper makes a thorough discussion on the purpose of learning for vocational students in the new period. Through the investigation and research, it is found that the learning purpose of vocational college students has the characteristics of diversity and practicability, which is the external factor that affects their learning purpose. Its characteristics are related to external factors such as social economic and cultural development employment family environment and internal factors such as personality value orientation and so on. On the basis of summing up the achievements of the previous research and taking students as the center, this paper puts forward the establishment of fine cultural atmosphere and scientific mechanism of higher vocational colleges; Strengthening the ideological and cultural construction of colleges and universities and the construction of "double-qualified" teachers; Improving teachers' teaching quality and guiding students' values; Establish good communication between parents and teachers; It is hoped that the results of this study can be used as a reference for higher vocational colleges to attach importance to the education and guidance of students' learning objectives. For parents to educate their children, for students self-education has reference significance.
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