本文关键词: 校企合作 人才培养模式 学习动机 出处:《苏州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:本文通过访谈和问卷调查的方法,采用Amabile等人编制的学习动机问卷对普通人才培养模式下300名高职生进行调查,,并结合访谈资料和相关理论对该问卷进行修订,对校企合作人才培养模式下300名高职生进行调查,比较考察校企合作人才培养模式下高职生学习动机的状况。 通过数据分析,得出该模式下高职生学习动机的结论如下: 1、校企合作人才培养模式下高职生的内部学习动机高于外部学习动机。校企合作人才培养模式下高职生6种学习动机内容的强度由高到低是:热衷性、个人发展、依赖他人评价、挑战性、解决问题和满足兴趣。 2、校企合作人才培养模式下不同性别高职生存在显著性差异,女生的学习动机明显高于男生。 3、校企合作人才培养模式下不同年级高职生学习动机没有明显的差异。在满足兴趣因子上存在显著性差异,大二年级高职生在满足兴趣因子的均值高于大一年级的高职生,说明大二年级的高职生对那些感兴趣的学习活动的动机比大一年级的高职生强烈。 根据校企合作人才培养模式下高职生学习动机的现状,从四个方面提出相关建议:1、帮助学生树立明确合理的学习目标;2、提高自我内驱力,促进元认知水平的发展;3、注重项目教学和情境学习,提高学生解决问题的能力;4、关注“双师型”教师的本质要求,提升教师实践教学的能力。
[Abstract]:Through the methods of interview and questionnaire, this paper uses the learning motivation questionnaire compiled by Amabile et al to investigate 300 vocational college students under the general talent training model, and combines the interview data and relevant theories to revise the questionnaire. In this paper, 300 students in higher vocational colleges under the mode of cooperative talents training in colleges and enterprises are investigated, and the learning motivation of higher vocational students under the mode of cooperative talents training in schools and enterprises is compared and investigated. Through the analysis of data, the conclusion of learning motivation of vocational college students under this model is as follows:. 1. The internal learning motivation of higher vocational college students is higher than that of external learning motivation under the mode of school-enterprise cooperative talents cultivation. The intensity of six kinds of learning motivation content of higher vocational college students is from high to low: enthusiasm, personal development; Rely on others to evaluate, challenge, solve problems and meet interests. 2. There are significant differences in the survival of higher vocational education between different genders under the mode of school-enterprise cooperative talents training, and the learning motivation of female students is obviously higher than that of male students. (3) there is no significant difference in learning motivation of higher vocational students in different grades under the model of school-enterprise cooperative talents training, but there is significant difference in satisfying interest factor. The average value of satisfying interest factor of sophomore vocational students is higher than that of first-year higher vocational students. It shows that the motivation of the sophomore vocational students to those interesting learning activities is stronger than that of the freshmen. According to the current situation of learning motivation of higher vocational students under the mode of school-enterprise cooperative talents training, this paper puts forward relevant suggestions from four aspects to help students set up clear and reasonable learning goals and improve their self-drive. To promote the development of metacognition, to pay attention to project teaching and situational learning, to improve students' ability to solve problems, to pay attention to the essential requirements of "double qualified" teachers, and to enhance teachers' ability of practical teaching.
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