发布时间:2018-03-03 20:08
本文选题:高等职业院校 切入点:激励机制 出处:《山西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着全球经济的飞速发展,我国高等职业教育也迎来了对人才培养的重要挑战。高等职业院校作为高等教育的重要支撑部分,其发挥的作用日益突出。现阶段高职院校职工激励机制还处于成长期,,如何在高职院校发展的需求下,激励教职工的工作积极性,提高其工作的效率也就成为了至关重要的重中之重。虽然高职院校都进行了多方面、多方位的改革和实践,也取得了一定的效果,但是还是出现了高职院校发展相对缓慢、教职工积极性下降、人才流失、学生培养水平低下等突出问题,说明高等职业院校激励机制在实施过程中普遍还存在问题,那么,如何结合激励机制构建原则和激励理论,优化高等职业院校激励机制就具有重要的现实意义。 本文主要是以山西管理职业学院作为研究对象,通过激励机制构建原则提出职工激励机制的优化对策。全文总共六个部份,第一部份是绪论,简述论文选题的意义、研究的主要目的、内容、整体框架、解决的主要问题和论文的创新点等;第二部份是研究相关理论基础与依据,阐述人力资源管理的激励理论实践成果;第三部份是结合高职院校激励的普遍现象及高职院校激励机制的理论成果对实践效果进行了分析,得出了构建完善高等职业院校职工激励机制的必要性;第四部份是山西管理职业学院职工激励现状及存在的问题分析;第五部份是结合激励机制构建原则和理论对山西管理职业学院职工激励机制提出多方面、多层次的优化对策;第六部份得出结论。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of global economy, the higher occupation education in our country has also ushered in an important challenge of talent cultivation. Higher occupation colleges support as an important part of higher education, its role has become increasingly prominent. At this stage of higher vocational college staff incentive mechanism is still in the growth stage, how in the development of Higher Vocational Colleges demand, work enthusiasm motivate the staff, improve the work efficiency has become a priority among priorities crucial. Although the higher vocational colleges have carried out many aspects of reform and practice in many ways, also achieved a certain effect, but there is a relatively slow development of higher vocational colleges, staff enthusiasm decline, loss of talents, students the low level of training and other outstanding issues, the incentive mechanism of higher occupation colleges in the implementation process is still widespread problems, so, how to combine the principles of constructing incentive mechanism and incentive theory It is of great practical significance to optimize the incentive mechanism of higher vocational colleges.
This article is based on the Shanxi Management Vocational College as the research object, through the construction of incentive mechanism optimization strategy principles of incentive mechanism. The thesis is divided into six parts: the first part is the introduction, describes the significance of the thesis, the main purpose of the research content, framework, main problems and the solutions innovation; the second part is the research the relevant theoretical foundation and basis of human resource management practice achievement motivation theory; the third part is a common phenomenon and the incentive mechanism in Higher Vocational Colleges of Higher Vocational Colleges with incentive theory were analysis of the result, the necessity of the construction of higher occupation colleges to improve employee incentive mechanism; the fourth part is the analysis of employee incentive status of Shanxi Management Vocational College and the existing problems; the fifth part is combined with the construction principle and theory of the incentive mechanism of Shanxi canal Career Academy staff incentive mechanism in many aspects, multi-level optimization countermeasures; the sixth part draws the conclusion.
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