发布时间:2018-04-06 03:39
本文选题:五年制大专生 切入点:思想道德教育 出处:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:五年制大学专科教育是指高等职业技术学院或高等专科学校(以下称高职(高专)院校)招收应届的初中毕业生,对其实行五年一贯制培养模式的高等职业技术教育。高职(高专)院校通过五年时间对学生进行系统性的高等职业教育,将原本初中起点的学生培养成为高等职业技术教育大学专科生,一般称这些学生为五年制大专生,他们是完成了九年义务教育之后,选择职业技术教育作为自己未来学习及就业的方向。我国1985年开始设置这种五年制的大学专科教育以来,,实践证明由于这种教育形式不但便于统筹安排教学计划,还实现了我国现有的中等职业技术教育与高等职业技术教育之间的衔接,能够充分发挥出高职(高专)院校的办学优势,而且有利于实现我国高等职业教育办学形式的多样化。随着高等教育规模的扩大,五年制大专教育更加呈现出蓬勃发展的势头。 中共中央、国务院在《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》中提出,“加强和改进大学生思想政治教育”主要任务之一是“以基本道德规范为基础,深入进行公民道德教育”。[1]这就要求广大教育工作者需要积极引导大学生自觉遵守社会主义基本道德规范。作为高校就必须不断加强和改进学生的思想道德教育。当代的五年制大专学生的道德整体水平虽然有了一定程度的提高,许多学生具有比较强的现代道德观念和责任意识,但也有部分学生在不同程度上存在着社会公德意识淡化和道德失范等行为,在社会带来了一定的不良影响。这是由于近年来随着我国生源数量的减少,导致五年制高职(高专)院校的入学门槛不断降低,致使当前五年制大专学生的生源素质状况呈现出下降的趋势。五年制大专教育由于其学形式的特殊性决定了五年制大专学生是一个非常特殊的群体,他们缺乏良好的学习习惯、学习方法、学习自信心和自制力,刚从相对封闭的中学生活来到了相对开放的大学生活,面对的是一个新奇而又陌生的环境,面临着生活上自理、学习上的自觉、管理上的自治、思想上的自我教育、目标上的自我选择等各个方面的适应。所以,深入了解分析五年制大专学生的思想道德状况,寻找出他们所存在的问题并提出相应的解决方法是十分重要的。因为学生的思想道德教育是其道德素养形成的主要途径,这直接关系到他们今后对待生活、学习、工作以及对待社会的态度,直接影响到其道德观、人生观和价值观的形成。五年制大专学生思想道德教育中存在的问题如果不能得到切实有效地处理的话,势必会影响其他们的身心健康发展,更会影响到其在以后的成长、成才和成功。因此,针对五年制大专学生思想道德教育中存在的问题进行深刻分析,并提出切实可行的解决对策,对于帮助和指导五年制大专生顺利完成从中学生到大学生的转变,尽快适应五年制高职(高专)院校的学习、生活环境,就显得既必要而又迫切。 本文除去引言和结论共分为三个大部分: 第一部分中,主要是对当前我过五年制大专学生的五年制大专学生的思想特点现状和五年制大专学生与普通高校学生相比较所存在的一些优势和不足之处等方面进行分析,对五年制大专学生的思想现状特点现状进行比较深入的了解。 第二部分中,主要对当前五年制大专学生思想道德教育中存在问题及原因进行深刻分析。当前五年制大专学生在思想道德教育方面的问题十分严重,主要表现为在理想和价值观方面比较模糊、道德认知与道德行为之间严重脱节、缺少对中华民族传统道德知识的了解,深受网络虚拟世界影响、心理健康方面的问题日益突出等方面的问题。究其原因,是由于五年制大专学生自身特点、家庭教育氛围、学校的教育引导、社会环境方面因素,必须对五年制大专学生思想道德中存在的问题进行认真分析,从学生自身因素、家庭教育因素、学校教育因素以及社会环境因素等各个角度出发,认真了解问题产生的原因并最终促使问题得到有效的解决是至关重要的。 第三部分中,主要探讨如何加强五年制大专学生思想道德教育的对策。面对错综复杂的社会环境,如何加强青年学生的思想道德教育是所有人以及全社会共同的责任和义务。应根据五年制大专学生自身的实际特点从转变传统教育理念做起,进一步加强及改进五年制大专学生的家庭道德教育、学校道德教育以及社会德育环境,让思想道德教育渗透于各种教育当中。
[Abstract]:Five year college education means higher Career Technical College or College (hereinafter called vocational (high) schools) to recruit fresh graduates of junior middle school, the training of higher occupation technique education model of five year system. Higher vocational (high) schools of higher occupation education system for students through five years of time originally, the starting point of junior high school students to become University of higher occupation technology education of college students, these students generally referred to five years of college students, they are after nine years of compulsory education, choice of occupation technology education for their future learning and employment direction. In 1985 China began to set up the five years of college education system since the university practice proves that this kind of educational form not only facilitate overall arrangement of the teaching plan, but also the realization of China's existing medium occupation technology education and higher occupation technique education The linkage can give full play to the advantages of higher vocational colleges, and help to diversify the form of Higher Vocational Education in our country. With the expansion of higher education scale, the five - year college education is showing a momentum of vigorous development.
The CPC Central Committee, the State Council put forward the "on Further Strengthening and improving ideological and political education opinion", "one of the main tasks of strengthening and improving the ideological and political education of college students is the basic moral standard as the basis of citizen moral education".[1] which requires educators to actively guide students to consciously abide by the basic norms of socialism ethics. As universities must constantly strengthen and improve the ideological and moral education of students. The overall level of contemporary five year college students' moral although improved to a certain extent, many students have relatively strong modern morality and sense of responsibility, but some students exist in varying degrees of social morality and desalination moral anomie behavior in society has brought some adverse effects. This is because in recent years, with the number of Chinese students The decrease resulted in five year vocational college entrance (high) continue to lower the threshold, resulting in the current situation of students of five year college students shows a downward trend. Five year college education because of its special form of learning determines five year college students is a very special group. They lack good study habits, learning methods, learning self-confidence and self-control, just from the relatively closed middle school life came to a relatively open university life, is facing a new and unfamiliar environment, facing life self-care, learning consciousness, management autonomy, self education thought. To adapt to the target of self selection and other aspects. Therefore, in-depth understanding of the ideological and moral status of five year college students, to find out their existing problems and put forward corresponding solutions is important because ten. Students' Ideological and moral education is the main way of the moral accomplishment, this treatment is directly related to their future life, learning, work and attitude towards society, directly affect the formation of moral values, outlook on life and values. There are five year college students in the ideological and moral education problems if not effectively effectively, it will influence their physical and mental health development, it will affect the future growth, growth and success. Therefore, in-depth analysis of existing five year college students in Ideological and moral education, and put forward the feasible countermeasure, for help and guidance for five year college students successfully completed the transition from middle school students to College students, to adapt to the five year vocational colleges as soon as possible (high) learning, living environment, it is both necessary and urgent.
In this paper, the introduction and conclusion are divided into three parts.
In the first part, mainly some aspects of the advantages and shortcomings of existing ideological characteristics of the current I five year college students of five year college students and five college students and the college students compared through the analysis of the present situation of the thought of five year college students status were compared deep understanding.
In the second part, mainly on the current problems and reasons of five year college students in the ideological and moral education. The in-depth analysis of five year college students in the ideological and moral education is a serious problem, which is mainly reflected in the ideal and values are vague, between moral cognition and moral behavior seriously disjointed, lack of the Chinese traditional moral knowledge, by the virtual world, mental health problems have become increasingly prominent problems. The reason is because the five year college students' own characteristics, family education atmosphere, school education, social environment factors, must carefully analyze the ideological and moral existence of five years for college students' problems in the factors of the students themselves, family education, school education and social aspects of environmental factors, seriously understand ask The cause of the problem and ultimately the effective solution of the problem is crucial.
In the third part, mainly discusses the countermeasures how to strengthen the system of five years of College Students Ideological and moral education. Facing the perplexing social environment, how to strengthen the ideological and moral education of young students is all people and all social responsibility and obligations. According to the actual characteristics of five year college students from the start to change the traditional education idea, family to further strengthen and improve the moral education of five year college students, school moral education and social moral education environment, make moral education penetration in various education.
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