发布时间:2018-04-10 16:20
本文选题:卫生高职院 + 教师 ; 参考:《东南大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的:通过对新形势下卫生高职院教师胜任要素的收集和提炼及针对卫生高职院校开展的胜任力调查和分析,构建能够适用于卫生高职院的教师胜任力模型,为高等卫生职业院校的教师评价、教师发展提供依据。方法:在研究中,通过文献检索并结合教育部教学名师评选(高职高专部分)、江苏省教学名师评选(高职高专院校)等文件进行收集、提炼,共形成了 80项通用指标要素;通过行为事件访谈,对初步收集形成的要素中部分名称不同但内涵相同的要素进行了修正、归类和合并,结合访谈对部分要素进行了补充,共获得51项胜任特征指标要素;根据研究的需要,通过德尔菲法对指标要素进行了筛选,最终形成37项指标要素。结合利克特五点量表,初步设计成《卫生高职教师胜任力调查》问卷,经过预调查,认为调查可以正常进行。调查分别面向YC卫生职业技术学院及SZ职业技术学院发放教师问卷45份,面向YC卫生职业技术学院护理学院、药学院、临床医学院、医学影像学院、医学技术学院发放学生问卷350份,运用SPSS18.0软件对338份有效调查问卷的结果进行了统计和分析,并对研究结果的可靠度和可信度进行了检验。结果:1.本研究中德尔菲法的专家权威程度系数为0.8995,权威程度较高,按照满分频率≥0.2、算术平均数≥8、变异系数≤0.25的标准,共保留37项胜任指标要素;专家协调系数w=0.44,协调系数显著性检验p0.05,专家评议协调性好,结果可取,专家咨询可以停止,胜任指标要素可以确立。2.问卷调查结果显示,本研究中KMO指标为0.956,接近1;Bartlett球形检验p0.001,在0.05显著性水平下,说明两项指标适合做因子分析,且公因子方差显示因子分析结果有效;3.碎石图显示,大因子陡峭,剩余因子平缓,选择的前5个因子较为合适,和解释总方差结果一致;4.在矩阵进行旋转后对因子及其变量进行重新归类,并赋予了权重,获得了卫生高职院教师胜任力模型;5.实证测量的初、中、高级三个级别职称教师最终得分及评价与事实相符。结论:1.确定构成卫生高职院教师胜任力模型的5项胜任特征分别是:教学能力指标、个人素质指标、服务能力指标、科研能力指标、认知能力指标。2.通过构建过程和应用检验,可以认为该模型信度良好、合理,具有可操作性。3.该模型符合现代人力资源管理相关理论和要求,可以在卫生高职院教师中应用。
[Abstract]:Objective: through collecting and refining the teachers' competence elements in the new situation and analyzing the competence of the health vocational colleges, a teacher competency model which can be applied to the health higher vocational colleges was constructed.It provides the basis for teacher evaluation and teacher development in higher health vocational colleges.Methods: in the study, 80 general index elements were formed by literature retrieval and combining with the documents of the Ministry of Education (part of higher vocational colleges and Jiangsu province), Jiangsu province of famous teachers of teaching (higher vocational colleges) and other documents.Through the behavior event interview, the author revised, classified and merged some of the elements whose names are different but the connotation is the same, combined with the interview to supplement some elements, a total of 51 competency index elements were obtained.According to the need of the research, the index elements were screened by Delphi method, and 37 index elements were formed.Combined with the Leakert five-point scale, the questionnaire was preliminarily designed to investigate the competence of teachers in higher health vocational education. After preliminary investigation, it was considered that the investigation could be carried out normally.A total of 45 teachers' questionnaires were sent to YC Vocational and Technical College of Health and SZ Vocational and Technical College, and 45 questionnaires were sent to YC College of Health Vocational and Technical College, School of Medicine, Clinical Medical College, Medical Imaging College, School of Nursing, Medical College of Pharmacy, Medical Imaging College.The results of 338 effective questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS18.0 software, and the reliability and reliability of the results were tested.The result is 1: 1.In this study, the expert authority coefficient of Delphi method is 0.8995, and the authority degree is higher. According to the criteria of full score frequency 鈮,