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发布时间:2018-04-18 02:00

  本文选题:高等职业教育 + 通专结合 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:高等职业教育改革的价值取向是我国高等职业教育实现自我发展与更新的首要问题,也是理论研究的重要问题。社会的发展不断提高对劳动者素质的要求,特别是作为人才培养阵地的高等职业教育来说,更需要不断提高其人才培养质量意识,培养出合理的知识结构和能力结构的高素质人才。通专结合既是一种办学理念,也是一种人才培养模式,是众多人才培养模式的一种。它是针对当前高等职业教育培养的学生出现人文素质薄弱,工作适应面窄,知识、能力结构单一,转岗就业适应能力差,转岗就业能力低等问题而提出的,为我国高等职业教育的改革提供一种思路。可以说,高等职业技术教育对专业教育的热衷和单向度的思维方式,其发展趋势必然是西方马克思主义的代表人物马尔库塞所指的“单向度的人”,这也是我国高等职业教育面临的巨大挑战。而教育这一精神活动一旦陷入“功利主义”、“工具主义”的泥淖,其后果必然颠倒教育的本质,人最终蜕变为一种工具。 全文在分析当前我国高等职业教育在“通专结合”中存在问题及原因的基础上,从社会经济发展和个人内在发展两个维度提出通专结合是高等职业教育改革的价值取向。当前,我国高等职业教育存在“专业主义”的取向,由于高等职业教育大多由中等职业教育“升格”而成,沿袭了重专业技能培养的传统,束缚了通专结合的展开。高等职业院校对专业教育的认识误区和传统专业教育思想也不利于通识教育的展开,加之严峻的就业形势,迫使学生很少关注通识课程。社会经济发展的角度出发,通专结合的理念符合知识经济对高等职业教育改革的要求,其培养目标切合科学技术发展对人才的要求,并且符合市场经济对高等职业教育改革的要求,有利于理解就业及就业导向;个人内在发展的角度出发,通专结合是对教育本质认识的深化且符合学习化社会的要求,有利于个人终身学习能力的养成,是实现人的全面发展的有益探索,切合做人和做事等同重要或更重要的共识。高等职业院校从推广“通专结合”理念出发,审视通识教育对高等职业教育的意义、构建适合高等职业教育的通识教育课程体系、加强师资队伍建设。我国高等职业教育实施通专结合为其内涵发展提供一种思路和可行性建议。
[Abstract]:The value orientation of higher vocational education reform is not only the most important issue of self-development and renewal of higher vocational education in China, but also an important issue of theoretical research.With the development of society, the demands on the quality of the laborer are raised constantly, especially the higher vocational education, which is the front of the training of talents, needs to improve the consciousness of the quality of the cultivation of talents.Cultivate reasonable knowledge structure and ability structure of high quality talents.The combination of general education and specialized education is not only a school idea, but also a talent training mode.It is aimed at the problems of weak humanistic quality, narrow work adaptability, single knowledge and ability structure, poor adaptability to employment and low employability in the current higher vocational education.To provide a way of thinking for the reform of higher vocational education in our country.It can be said that the enthusiasm of higher vocational and technical education for professional education and the unidirectional mode of thinking are bound to be the "unidirectional people" referred to by Marcuse, the representative figure of Western Marxism.This is also the great challenge that our country higher vocational education faces.Once the spiritual activity of education falls into the quagmire of "utilitarianism" and "instrumentalism", its consequences will inevitably reverse the essence of education, and man will eventually degenerate into a tool.Based on the analysis of the existing problems and reasons of higher vocational education in China at present, this paper puts forward that the combination of general education and specialized education is the value orientation of higher vocational education reform from the two dimensions of social economic development and individual internal development.At present, the higher vocational education in our country has the orientation of "professionalism". Because the higher vocational education is mostly "upgraded" from the secondary vocational education, it follows the tradition of emphasizing the training of professional skills and hinders the development of the combination of general and specialized education.The misunderstandings of professional education and the traditional thoughts of professional education in higher vocational colleges are also unfavorable to the development of general education, and the severe employment situation forces students to pay little attention to general education.From the point of view of social and economic development, the concept of combination of general and specialized education conforms to the requirements of knowledge economy for the reform of higher vocational education, and its training objectives meet the requirements of the development of science and technology for talents.In accordance with the requirements of market economy for the reform of higher vocational education, it is beneficial to understand employment and employment-oriented; from the perspective of individual internal development, the combination of general education and specialized education is the deepening of the understanding of the nature of education and meets the requirements of a learning society.It is beneficial to the cultivation of one's lifelong learning ability, and is a beneficial exploration to realize the all-round development of human beings, and a common understanding that suits one's life and works as important or more important.On the basis of popularizing the idea of "combination of general education and specialty", higher vocational colleges and universities examine the significance of general education to higher vocational education, construct the curriculum system of general education suitable for higher vocational education, and strengthen the construction of teaching staff.The implementation of higher vocational education in China provides a way of thinking and feasible suggestions for the development of its connotation.


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10 王佩t,




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