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发布时间:2018-04-24 04:35

  本文选题:职业教育教师 + 培养 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:二十一世纪是我国实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略,实现社会主义现代化建设目标的关键时期。职业教育在此担负着培养数以亿计高素质劳动者和专门人才的重要历史使命。近年来,我国职业教育事业的发展突飞猛进,职业教育教师队伍建设也取得了重大成就,基本形成了相对稳定、专兼结合的教师队伍,总体素质有了较大提高。但职业教育教师培养培训模式、规模和质量还不能适应职业教育发展的需要。大力加强职业教育教师培养培训,是改变我国职业教育教师现状,推动职业教育持续发展的必然选择。 本文以经济学、管理学和教育学相关理论为指导,广泛搜集和分析了前人的研究成果,吸收其中一些理论和方法。从国内外对这一课题的研究动态入手,全面回顾和分析了我国职业教育教师队伍建设方面的历史,分析了面临的机遇和挑战,总结了过去的经验和教训;提出了适合我国职业教育教师培养培训的相关理论、详细分析了我国职业教育教师培养培训的现状,指出了我国在职业教育教师队伍建设中存在的八方面问题;重点介绍了德国、澳大利亚、英国等职业教育发达国家的职业教育教师培养培训模式的特点、运作方式以及对我们的启示;分析比较了我国有代表性的五种培养模式和五种培训模式,并针对我国存在的问题,提出了适合我国国情的职业教育教师培养培训发展方向,,提出了不同培养培训模式所适合的培养培训基地和培养培训对象;最后提出了加强职业教育教师培养培训的7方面政策建议。包括人员补充机制、增强吸引力措施、健全培养培训体系、创新培养模式、加大经费投入、调动企业参与积极性和加强科学研究等。
[Abstract]:Twenty-first Century is the key period for China to implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country by science and education and the strategy of talent power and to achieve the goal of socialist modernization. Vocational education is responsible for the important historical mission of cultivating hundreds of millions of high-quality workers and specialized talents. In recent years, the development of Vocational education in China has developed rapidly and vocational education teachers are developing rapidly. The construction of the team has also made great achievements, which has basically formed a relatively stable, specialized and combined teacher team, and the overall quality has been greatly improved. However, the training mode of vocational education teachers can not meet the needs of the development of vocational education. The present situation is the inevitable choice to promote the sustainable development of vocational education.
Guided by the theories of economics, management and education, this paper collects and analyses the achievements of previous studies and absorbs some of the theories and methods. Starting with the research trends of this subject at home and abroad, the history of the construction of vocational education teachers in China is reviewed and analyzed, and the opportunities and challenges are analyzed. This paper summarizes the past experience and lessons, puts forward the relevant theories suitable for the training of vocational education teachers in China, analyzes in detail the current situation of training and training of vocational education teachers in China, and points out eight problems in the construction of vocational education teachers in our country, and emphasizes the vocational education in Germany, Australia and the UK. The training mode of vocational education teachers in the developed countries, the mode of operation and the enlightenment to us; analysis and comparison of the five training modes and five training modes of our country's representative, and put forward the direction of training and training for the training of vocational education teachers, which are suitable for our country, and put forward different kinds of training. The training training mode is suitable for training training base and training object. Finally, it puts forward 7 policies and suggestions to strengthen the training of vocational education teachers, including personnel supplementary mechanism, enhancing the attraction measures, improving training system, innovating training mode, increasing the cost input, mobilizing enterprises to participate in enthusiasm and strengthening science. Research and so on.



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