本文选题:项目教学模式 + 计算机应用基础课 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:《计算机应用基础》是中职院校的一门公共基础课,也是一门实践性很强的课程。最近几年,由于各种原因使得该课程的教学效果不尽如人意。其原因之一是目前的中职生难以接受传统的“讲授式”教学模式,教学效果甚微。因此,改革现有教学模式,寻求一种适合当前背景下的中职计算机应用基础课程教学模式,具有重要意义。 本研究以建构主义理论为依据,通过阅读大量有关项目教学文献,结合计算机应用基础课程的特点,总结归纳出项目教学法在计算机应用基础课程教学中应用的关键问题和实施步骤,并通过教学实践进行了相应验证。 全文共分五章: 第一章是绪论部分。主要从研究背景与意义、研究现状、研究内容与方法等方面,对论文的选题做了一系列论证。 第二章主要阐述了项目教学模式的基本理论。在本章中主要探讨了项目教学模式的由来、特征与内涵、项目教学模式的理论基础以及与传统教学法的区别。 第三章是项目教学模式在中职《计算机应用基础》课程中的教学设计。主要是对中职计算机应用基础课程引入项目教学模式的可行性和构成要素进行了分析,探讨了教学流程的设计原则,并给出了具体的教学设计案例。 第四章是中职计算机应用基础课程中项目教学模式的教学实验。首先进行教学实验的设计,再根据方案列举了两个教学案例说明项目教学法的具体应用,最后对实验数据进行统计与分析。 第五章是总结与展望。通过研究得出项目教学的优势以及实施项目教学应注意的问题,并根据自己在教学过程中的实践提出展望。 通过项目教学方法的研究发现,项目教学模式能够使学生对教学内容进行整体把握和综合应用,激发了学生学习兴趣,提高了学生动手能力,,培养了学生团队意识和合作精神,提高了学生的职业素养和职业技能。
[Abstract]:The basic curriculum of computer application is a public basic course in secondary vocational colleges , and it is a very practical course . One of the reasons is that the teaching effect of the course is not satisfactory due to various reasons . One of the reasons is that the present teaching mode is difficult to accept traditional teaching mode and has little effect .
Based on the theory of constructionism , this paper summarizes the key problems and implementation steps of the application of project teaching method in computer application basic course teaching by reading a large number of relevant project teaching documents and combining the characteristics of computer application basic courses , and carries out corresponding verification through teaching practice .
The full text is divided into five chapters :
The first chapter is the introduction part . Mainly from the research background and the significance , the research situation , the research content and the method , etc . , the thesis ' s selection of the topic is a series of arguments .
The second chapter mainly expounds the basic theory of the teaching mode of the project . In this chapter , it mainly discusses the origin , the characteristics and the connotation of the project teaching model , the theoretical foundation of the project teaching mode and the difference between the traditional teaching method .
The third chapter is the teaching design of the project teaching model in the basic curriculum of the application of the vocational computer . The paper analyzes the feasibility and the component factors of the introduction of the project teaching mode into the basic course of the application of the secondary vocational computer , discusses the design principle of the teaching flow , and gives the concrete teaching design case .
The fourth chapter is the teaching experiment of the project teaching mode in the basic course of the application of the secondary vocational computer . First , the design of the teaching experiment is carried out , and the concrete application of the project teaching method is illustrated according to the scheme . Finally , the experiment data is statistically analyzed and analyzed .
The fifth chapter is the conclusion and prospect . Through the research , the advantages of the project teaching and the problems that should be paid attention to in the implementation of the project teaching are drawn , and the prospect is put forward according to the practice in the teaching process .
Through the research of the project teaching method , it is found that the project teaching model enables students to grasp and apply the teaching content in whole , stimulate the students ' learning interest , improve the students ' hands - on ability , cultivate the students ' team consciousness and cooperation spirit , and improve the students ' professional accomplishment and professional skills .
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