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发布时间:2018-06-23 19:20

  本文选题:项目教学 + 项目教材 ; 参考:《广东技术师范学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)明确提出:职业教育要改革人才培养模式,构建课程标准与职业资格标准相融合、理论与实践教学一体化的职业教育课程体系。自上世纪90年代起我国职业教育不断地尝试进行教学改革,经过职教工作者们不懈的探寻与反复的论证认为:项目课程是适合职业教育特点的课程模式之一。通过对我国高等职业院校国际物流实务课程教材的抽样研究发现,目前我国高职教育国际物流类课程缺乏将工作过程与教学过程有机结合的项目课程教材。在深入研究教材设计和项目课程理论的基础上,掌握教材开发的基本方法并选取我国国际物流业务中应用较多的海运出口业务进行《国际物流实务课程》项目教学开发研究。 第一章绪论。在此部分阐述本研究的三个主要缘由;收集整理前人对项目课程与项目教材的研究成果;阐明本研究所使用的研究方法;对文中相关核心概念的界定。 第二章学科现状与相关理论研究。通过对我国高职院校国际物流实务课程及教材使用的现状的研究,发现实际教学中课程与教材所存在的问题与不足。从教育学与心理学的视角出发探寻理论支撑,进行《国际物流实务课程》项目教学内容的选择、设计出具体的考评方法、可量化的考评标准。 第三章《国际物流实务课程》项目教学设计构想。提出了项目教材的设计理念、设计原则、教材内容的选择方法、教材结构的宏观与微观设计。 第四章《国际物流实务课程》项目教学设计实例。选取海运出口业务中的典型工作任务作为学习内容,,遵循工作逻辑将综合项目划分为五个子项目进行教材编制。
[Abstract]:The outline of the national medium and long term education reform and development plan (2010-2020) has made it clear that vocational education should reform the training mode of talents, construct the integration of curriculum standard and professional qualification standard, and integrate theory with practice teaching. Since the 90s of last century, the vocational education has tried to carry out teaching reform continuously. Through the unremitting exploration and repeated argumentation of the vocational education workers, the project course is one of the curriculum models suitable for the characteristics of vocational education. Through the sampling of the international logistics practice course materials in China's higher vocational colleges, it is found that the international logistics courses in higher vocational education lack the organic process and the teaching process. Based on the in-depth study of the design of teaching materials and the theory of project courses, the basic method of teaching material development is mastered and the course of international logistics practice course < International Logistics Practice Course > project teaching development research is carried out in the international logistics business of China.
The first chapter is the introduction. In this part, the three main reasons of the study are expounded; the achievements of the previous studies on the project courses and the project materials are collected, and the research methods used in this study are clarified; and the definition of the relevant core concepts in the article is defined.
The second chapter of the subject status and related theory research. Through the study of the current situation of the use of international logistics practice courses and teaching materials in higher vocational colleges, the problems and shortcomings of the curriculum and teaching materials in the actual teaching are found. From the perspective of pedagogy and psychology, the theoretical support is explored and the course of the international logistics practice course is taught in the project teaching. The choice of capacity is to design specific assessment methods and quantifiable evaluation criteria.
The third chapter, "international logistics practice course > project teaching design concept, put forward the design concept, design principle, selection method of teaching material content, macro and micro design of teaching material structure."
The fourth chapter, "international logistics practice course > project teaching design example, select the typical work task in the shipping export business as the learning content and follow the work logic to divide the comprehensive project into five sub items and make the teaching material."


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