本文选题:农村职业教育 + 农村人口素质 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:教育是国家和民族发展最根本的事业。农村职业教育是中国教育的重要组成部分,是推动农村经济社会全面发展的主要动力。改革开放以来宝鸡市农村职业教育发展迅速,取得了明显成绩。但随着我国工业化、城镇化进程的推进,农业现代化和新农村建设的加快,城乡发展的不均衡性加剧,农村经济发展缓慢,致使农村教育整体办学水平低,农村职业教育的载体功能和服务功能不能适应经济社会发展的需要,进而影响了农村人口素质,影响了新农村建设。 本文借助公共经济学、教育经济学、统计学的科学理论,综合运用理论分析和统计分析相结合的方法,阐述了农村职业教育与农村经济建设社会发展的关系,认为农村职业教育在农村经济、文化、生产、社会发展中具有引领性、工具性、促进性、培养性的功能和普及性、市场性、实践性的特征,在介绍宝鸡市农村教育概况的大背景下,分析了宝鸡农村职业教育发展的阶段划分和存在问题,提出了宝鸡市农村职业教育发展的原则、总体思路和七条措施,旨在对宝鸡市农村职业教育发展提供一些参考。 通过对宝鸡市农村职业教育现状的剖析,认为当前存在的主要问题是:办学体制不健全、经费投入不足、办学规模不大、教师水平较低、办学质量不高、培训模式落后、考核评价机制不健全。发展农村职业教育要坚持为农服务的办学方向,,统筹各类职业教育资源,制订积极的发展政策,具体措施一是健全网络体系,二是深化教育教学改革,三是多形式开展职业技能培训,四是建设“双师型”教师队伍,五是发展民办职业教育,六是加大投入,七是健全督导评价机制,提高职业教育办学水平,为全市经济社会发展培养合格的劳动者和高素质的技能人才。
[Abstract]:Education is the most fundamental cause of national and national development. Rural vocational education is an important part of Chinese education and the main motive force to promote the overall development of rural economy and society. Since the reform and opening up, Baoji rural vocational education has developed rapidly and made obvious achievements. However, with the development of industrialization, urbanization, agricultural modernization and the construction of new countryside, the uneven development of urban and rural areas and the slow development of rural economy have resulted in the low level of running schools in rural areas as a whole. The carrier function and service function of rural vocational education can not meet the needs of economic and social development, thus affecting the quality of rural population and the construction of new countryside. With the help of the scientific theories of public economics, educational economics and statistics, this paper expounds the relationship between rural vocational education and the social development of rural economic construction by means of the combination of theoretical analysis and statistical analysis. It is believed that rural vocational education has the characteristics of leading, instrumentality, promotion, cultivation, popularization, market and practice in rural economy, culture, production and social development. Based on the introduction of the general situation of rural education in Baoji, this paper analyzes on the stage division and existing problems of the development of rural vocational education in Baoji, and puts forward the principles, general ideas and seven measures for the development of rural vocational education in Baoji. The aim is to provide some references for the development of rural vocational education in Baoji city. Based on the analysis of the present situation of rural vocational education in Baoji City, it is concluded that the main problems are: the system of running a school is not perfect, the funds are insufficient, the scale of running a school is not large, the level of teachers is low, the quality of running a school is not high, and the training mode is backward. The examination and evaluation mechanism is not perfect. To develop rural vocational education, we must adhere to the direction of running schools for agriculture, coordinate all kinds of vocational education resources, and formulate positive development policies. The concrete measures are to improve the network system and deepen the educational and teaching reform. Third, to develop vocational skills training in various forms, fourth, to build a "double-qualified" contingent of teachers, fifthly, to develop private vocational education; sixth, to increase investment; and seventh, to improve the supervision and evaluation mechanism to improve the level of running vocational education. For the city's economic and social development to train qualified workers and high-quality skilled personnel.
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