本文选题:河北省 + 高职毕业生 ; 参考:《河北科技师范学院》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:高职毕业生作为大学生的重要组成部分,是我国社会经济发展的重要人力支撑,但与本科毕业生、中职毕业生相比,高职毕业生就业压力更大,就业问题更加凸显。清晰高职毕业生就业所存在的问题,提升高职毕业生的就业竞争力,是增强我国职业教育吸引力,促进经济社会健康发展的关键所在。 本研究在归纳和总结国内外高职毕业生就业研究现状的基础上,以河北省高职院校毕业生为研究对象,,从就业总体状况、薪资水平、就业单位性质、晋升空间、专业对口度、职业稳定性、就业满意度等7方面进行了问卷调查和座谈走访,获取了相关数据并进行了统计分析。 本研究发现:河北省高职毕业生就业形势较为严峻,就业状况不甚理想,就业质量及就业稳定性有待提升,并存在就业歧视、就业信息传播渠道不畅通等问题,特别是农村生源高职毕业生处于就业弱势地位。 本研究认为,目前高职毕业生就业问题存在的根本原因主要在于社会认知出现偏差,人才高消费现象较为普遍,性别歧视思想根深蒂固,现行政策体系存在弊端以及就业信息渠道不畅、就业指导服务需要进一步完善等方面。 本研究提出了改善河北省高职院校毕业生就业状况的对策建议。基于政府视角,建议创新社会管理体制,完善市场化就业机制,消除社会就业歧视现象,加强劳动力市场运行监管以及继续加大职业教育投入。基于学校视角,强调采取科学调整专业设置,优化人才培养模式,强化就业信息服务以及加强学生就业指导工作等4项措施。基于学生自身视角,强调学生在读期间应努力提升自身综合素质,专业学习过程中规划好职业生涯,就业过程中要科学进行人生定位,就业后努力适应工作岗位需求。
[Abstract]:Higher vocational graduates, as an important part of college students, are the important human support for the social and economic development of our country. However, compared with undergraduate graduates and secondary vocational graduates, higher vocational graduates have greater employment pressure and more prominent employment problems. The key to enhance the attraction of vocational education and promote the healthy development of economy and society is to make clear the problems existing in the employment of higher vocational graduates and to enhance the employment competitiveness of higher vocational graduates. On the basis of summing up and summarizing the present situation of research on the employment of higher vocational graduates at home and abroad, this study takes the graduates of higher vocational colleges in Hebei Province as the research object, from the overall employment situation, salary level, nature of employment units, promotion space, professional counterpart. Job stability, employment satisfaction and other seven aspects of questionnaires and interviews, obtained the relevant data and statistical analysis. This study finds that the employment situation of higher vocational graduates in Hebei Province is severe, the employment situation is not ideal, the quality and stability of employment need to be improved, and there are some problems, such as employment discrimination, employment information transmission channels are not smooth and so on. In particular, vocational graduates from rural areas are in a weak position in employment. This study holds that the main reasons for the employment problems of graduates in higher vocational colleges are the deviation of social cognition, the high consumption of talents, the deep-rooted gender discrimination. The current policy system has disadvantages and the employment information channels are not smooth, employment guidance services need to be further improved. This study puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to improve the employment situation of graduates of higher vocational colleges in Hebei province. Based on the angle of view of the government, it is suggested to innovate the social management system, perfect the market-oriented employment mechanism, eliminate the phenomenon of discrimination in social employment, strengthen the supervision of the operation of the labor market and continue to increase the investment in vocational education. Based on the view of school, four measures are emphasized, such as scientific adjustment of professional setting, optimization of talent training mode, strengthening of employment information service and strengthening of student employment guidance. Based on the students' own perspective, it is emphasized that students should strive to improve their comprehensive quality during reading, plan their career well in the course of professional study, and make scientific life orientation in the process of employment, and strive to adapt themselves to the demands of work post after employment.
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