[Abstract]:School-based curriculum of moral education in secondary vocational schools refers to the curriculum planning of secondary vocational schools in addition to the moral education courses prescribed by the state and local education departments, according to the school's concept of running a school and existing resources, according to the characteristics and actual needs of students, Curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation activities. The idea of student-oriented education is the general trend of the current educational reform. It advocates that everything is for the students, highly respects the students, and depends on the students in an all-round way. This idea should run through the development of the school-based curriculum of moral education from beginning to end. The stage of secondary vocational education is the transition period of students from campus to society, and it is also the key period for students to grow into social people. The role of moral education should not be underestimated. Therefore, it is an important content of the current curriculum reform to develop the school-based curriculum which conforms to the needs of the current society, conforms to the reality of the school and meets the requirements of the students' individualized development. It plays an important role in the moral education of secondary vocational schools. In view of the current situation that students' enthusiasm for moral education is not high and the content and means of school moral education lags behind, this paper sets out from the training objectives of secondary vocational schools and the actual development needs of students. Based on the practical experience of school-based curriculum development of moral education in my school, this paper probes into some problems in the development of school-based curriculum of moral education in secondary vocational schools under the concept of student-oriented, and analyzes the background and present situation of the development. The author also puts forward his own thinking from the connotation, goal, principle, method and flow of the school-based curriculum development of moral education in secondary vocational school, hoping to provide some constructive suggestions in theory and practice for the development of school-based curriculum of moral education in secondary vocational school.
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