[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increasing support for vocational education, the scale of vocational colleges is expanding rapidly, resulting in more fierce competition between vocational colleges. In such a fierce competition, if vocational colleges want to have a place, they must improve the enrollment rate and obtain more high quality students. At present, some colleges and universities have set up enrollment information system, hoping to help recruit students with the help of information platform. But in these enrollment systems, most of them only complete the function of information statistics and storage, and can not solve the practical problems. The emergence of data mining technology can excavate the valuable rules existing in the information of students, find out the factors that affect the students' enrollment rate and the quality of students, so as to guide the enrollment propaganda work scientifically for the school managers. Make appropriate enrollment policy to help. Based on the practice of enrollment, this paper uses decision tree and association rules algorithm to mine students' admission information, and analyzes the factors that affect students' registration rate. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. The basic knowledge of data mining, decision tree and association rule algorithm in data mining are studied. The ID3 algorithm C4.5 algorithm and the association rule algorithm Apriori algorithm in the decision tree algorithm are selected to further study and analysis, compare the differences between different algorithms. 2, combined with the actual work, The archived data of students in higher vocational colleges are preprocessed according to the requirements of data mining to ensure that the data mining work in the future is more efficient. More reliable. 3, using C4.5 algorithm and Apriori algorithm to mine the data set of higher vocational college students' archival data, and implementing the related algorithms on the WEKA platform, and draw the relevant rules and conclusions. By using the above two different data mining methods, we can analyze and study the correlation and difference between the two algorithms, sum up the rules that are more suitable to the actual demand, and provide help for the recruitment work in the future.
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