[Abstract]:In the last twenty years, higher vocational education in China has developed rapidly and has become an important part of higher education in China. However, with the continuous expansion of college enrollment and the continuous decrease in the number of school-age students, the higher education service market is increasingly competitive. If higher vocational colleges want to survive and develop in today's fierce competition, they must work out their own marketing strategies on the basis of recognizing the current market form and their own characteristics. At present, the application of marketing theory in developed countries has not only been confined to the field of production, such as schools, scientific research institutes, hospitals, charities and other non-profit institutions and other public institutions because of the increasing competition. Also began to use marketing theory to guide their business practice. But the non-profit organization of our country introduces the marketing idea later, especially the marketing work of the higher vocational college is still basically in the exploration stage, there are many problems, such as the students can not meet the needs of the society; Unable to provide satisfactory services to students and parents, neglecting their own connotation and brand building. These problems are mainly caused by the lack of marketing concept in higher vocational colleges. This paper holds that higher vocational colleges should first analyze their macro and micro environment and the personality and needs of their target customers-then apply the 7p theory in service marketing to improve their school running service quality. These improvements mainly include: changing the teaching training model to student-centered; further strengthening the practical teaching; perfecting the psychological support and guidance system and using appropriate psychological intervention to enhance the experience of higher vocational students; strengthening the sense of service. Simplify the service flow; adopt more flexible methods of determining tuition fees; publicize the school to students and parents through word-of-mouth, software and hardware display on campus, and establish a wide range of social communication channels. In a word, the application of marketing strategy can promote higher vocational colleges to improve service quality, provide more value to customers and improve customer satisfaction, so as to promote the recognition of higher vocational education in the whole society. Finally, better serve for social and economic development.
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