[Abstract]:With China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the sustained and rapid development of China's economy, a large number of overseas garment enterprises and clothing brands are flooding in, and local brand cultural consciousness has been paid more and more attention. People's requirements for clothing also changed from the cold and warm to the pursuit of fashion and popularity. China's clothing and clothing industry is gradually entering a mature stage. Clothing sales are no longer just good commodities, customers will automatically come to the door. Clothing enterprises should face the reality of oversupply in the market and fierce competition from their counterparts at home and abroad. If the management concept and management level of business operators cannot keep pace with the times, they will lose their foothold in the fierce market competition. Clothing display and display originated from the early development of European commercial and department store industry and was the product of the era of large industrial production. As a result of commercial civilization, display and display technology not only serves the retail industry, but also involves real estate, advertising, catering and other industries. As long as there is a commodity in this world, display and display technology must exist. The development of display technology is a remarkable sign of commercial economic progress. In our country, with the acceleration of the process of economization and the rapid rise of a number of garment enterprises, how to use display technology to create a good corporate image for them is particularly important. Display and display technology therefore has high market development value and potential. Liu Na, the display director of the cashmere brand "Xuelian," said this: "get the end of the world." in recent years, more and more salespeople have realized that winning the terminal is more than just selling skills and expanding channels. Terminal displays often determine your entry rate, turnover rate, and potential customers. In today's era of serious congenialization of commodities, display is like a silent buyer at the terminal. Through display techniques, the display can spread the brand, help the brand develop potential customers, spread the information of the brand company, and convey the design concept of the brand. Display new products, less inventory, promote sales. Starting from the particularity of higher vocational education, this paper systematically summarizes and analyzes the purpose, planning and elements of display and display through the principles and methods of display skills of terminal stores in and outside practical stores of garment enterprises. And through the case analysis and the international complete display the comment, uses the artistic esthetic way, the specialized marketing idea, is in line with the market demand. Enhance the brand terminal sales ability, improve the quality of customer service, clothing art into the sales mechanism.
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