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发布时间:2018-08-30 08:01
【摘要】:现行的中等职业教育学生资助体系运行已有十一年,期间国家和地方各级学生资助管理部门根据经济、社会的发展水平不断制定、修改资助政策,逐步完善资助体系。在政府、学校和社会各方面努力下,形成了当前以国家免学费和国家助学金为主体,顶岗实习、勤工助学、奖学金等其他形式作补充的较为完备的中职教育学生资助体系。完备的中职贫困生资助体系为在校贫困生及其家庭缓解了经济压力,解决了他们的后顾之忧,使得贫困生能够安心学习和生活。作为技术型和应用型人才培养的摇篮,职业教育是影响我国市场经济和工业化水平又好又很快发展的重要因素。中等职业教育是职业教育的基础层次,长期以来中职学校培养的中专毕业生是市场人才需求的一支重要力量,是企业技术工人的主力军。中职学校在校生贫困问题是中职教育人才培养长期面临的一项重大难题和研究课题,解决好中职学生贫困问题是办好中职教育的前提和保障。相较于高等院校,中等职业学校贫困生呈现出人数众多、程度较深、心理健康隐患更加突出等特点,由此导致了中等职业教育贫困生资助工作开展难度更大。特别是中央"十三五"规划和教育部对新形势下教育工作提出了"教育精准扶贫"的决策部署,在"教育精准扶贫"的高要求下,中职教育贫困生资助工作执行过程中显现出不少问题和隐患,这些问题和隐患严重影响了贫困生资助工作顺利高效开展,从而制约了 "教育精准扶贫"这项战略目标的实现。为此,笔者阅研了大量有关职业教育学生资助方面的文献资料,系统梳理了国内外有关此课题的研究成果并进行了总结与评述。笔者综述了中职学生资助体系的重要概念、体系结构、群体特征、资助内容和执行过程等,为进一步研究做好理论铺垫。为深入探究中职贫困生资助工作开展情况,笔者以安徽生物工程学校为调研对象,向安徽生物工程学校在校生发放了 400份问卷,以此了解掌握安徽生物工程学校贫困生资助工作真实的实施效果。笔者通过调研分析,指出了安徽生物工程学校贫困生资助工作开展过程中存在的问题并详细分析了产生这些问题的原因。笔者又对德国、美国和澳大利亚等国职业教育学生资助模式进行了深入研究,提炼出值得我们借鉴与学习的经验。由于安徽生物工程学校贫困生资助工作具有一般性和代表性,能够反映中等职业教育贫困生资助工作开展过程中存在的问题,因此针对这些共性问题,笔者结合中等职业学校办学模式与办学特点,从增加贫困生资助资金投入、实施贫困生分等级资助,加强资助人才队伍建设,完善贫困生认定机制,完善资助评审与监督考核机制,拓展有偿资助育人模式,加强德育实践,重视贫困生心理健康问题这七个方面提出了优化中等职业学校贫困生资助工作的对策,以期进一步改进中等职业教育贫困生资助工作,提升资助效果,为进一步实现"教育精准扶贫"的战略目标提供理论与实践支撑。
[Abstract]:The current subsidy system for secondary vocational education students has been in operation for eleven years. During this period, the state and local administrative departments of student subsidy at all levels have formulated, revised the subsidy policies and gradually improved the subsidy system in accordance with the economic and social development level. A complete subsidy system for the poor students in secondary vocational schools relieves the economic pressure on the poor students and their families, solves their worries, and enables the poor students to study and live comfortably. Vocational education is an important factor affecting the sound and rapid development of China's market economy and industrialization. Secondary vocational education is the basic level of Vocational education. Graduates from secondary vocational schools have long been an important force in the demand for market-oriented talents and are the masters of enterprise skilled workers. Poverty problem of secondary vocational school students is a long-term problem and research topic facing vocational education personnel training. Solving the problem of poverty of secondary vocational school students is the premise and guarantee of running vocational education well. In particular, the 13th Five-Year Plan of the Central Government and the Ministry of Education have put forward the decision-making plan of "education precision poverty alleviation" under the new situation. Under the high demand of "education precision poverty alleviation", the implementation of the work of subsidizing poor students in secondary vocational education has become more difficult. There are many problems and hidden dangers. These problems and hidden dangers seriously affect the smooth and efficient development of the work of aiding poor students, thus restricting the realization of the strategic goal of "accurately aiding the poor through education". The author summarizes the important concepts, system structure, group characteristics, funding content and implementation process of the secondary vocational students'funding system, and lays a theoretical foundation for further research. Cheng School has issued 400 questionnaires to students in order to understand the real effect of the implementation of financial aid for impoverished students in Anhui Biological Engineering School. Through investigation and analysis, the author points out the problems existing in the development of financial aid for impoverished students in Anhui Biological Engineering School and analyzes the causes of these problems in detail. In this paper, the author makes a thorough study on the financial aid modes of vocational education students in the United States and Australia, and extracts some valuable experiences for us to learn from. In view of these common problems, the author combines the mode of running secondary vocational schools with the characteristics of running schools, from increasing the investment of subsidized funds for poor students, implementing graded subsidies for poor students, strengthening the construction of the team of subsidized talents, perfecting the identification mechanism of poor students, perfecting the evaluation and supervision mechanism of subsidies, expanding the mode of paid subsidized education, and strengthening the practice of moral education. According to the seven aspects of mental health problems of poor students, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to optimize the work of subsidizing poor students in secondary vocational schools, so as to further improve the work of subsidizing poor students in secondary vocational education, enhance the effect of subsidizing, and provide theoretical and practical support for further realizing the strategic goal of "poverty alleviation through education".


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