[Abstract]:The establishment of the allocation system for students in secondary vocational schools (hereinafter referred to as "secondary vocational schools") is the fundamental strategy to ensure the healthy development of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as "secondary vocational education"), and the standard of student average is the core of the system of allocation of funds per student. In recent years, from the central to the local, in the process of promoting the establishment of the allocation system for students in secondary vocational schools, there is a general debate about standards. The focus is whether to issue minimum standards at the national level and how to define the connotation of the standards. This paper analyzes the necessity of establishing the system of average allocation for students in secondary vocational schools, the focus of the relevant standard disputes, and the special historical background of the disputes, and points out that the guidance should be strengthened at the national level, the minimum standard should be clearly issued, and the connotation of the standard should be defined. In order to promote the establishment of the allotment system, the provincial level should strengthen the overall planning, take concrete measures to ensure that the allocation system falls to the ground, and the school level should strengthen management and scientific financial management. In a down-to-earth manner, the masses recognized the results, giving full play to the benefit of the allocation of funds per student.
【作者单位】: 湖北省教育科学研究院;
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