[Abstract]:The guidelines for Kindergarten Education (trial) issued in 2001 require: "all kinds of kindergartens in urban and rural areas should proceed from reality and implement quality-oriented education according to local conditions." Develop realistic work plans and implement them flexibly. " Since then, more and more kindergartens began to consciously participate in the garden-based curriculum development practice. In the course of curriculum development, kindergarten teachers are not only the main body of kindergarten curriculum development, but also the link between children, parents, curriculum experts, leaders and community members. It is not only a kind of curriculum resource, but also the compiler, implementer and evaluator of the course, which plays an important role in the development of the curriculum. Based on questionnaires and interviews, this study aims to investigate teachers' understanding of the development of the curriculum, difficulties encountered in the development of the curriculum, and put forward countermeasures to improve teachers' practical ability in the development of the garden-based curriculum through the analysis of its influencing factors. It is found that there are some problems in teachers' understanding of the curriculum, such as confusion between the development of the curriculum and the compilation of teaching materials, the development of characteristic courses, the research of subjects, and the original educational activities. The main body consciousness and intrinsic motivation of teachers participating in the development of garden-based curriculum are lacking; the consciousness and ability of teachers to develop resources of garden-based curriculum are insufficient; the practical ability of teachers to develop garden-based curriculum is not strong and so on. These problems are mainly caused by the lack of support for teachers in and out of the garden, the need to improve teachers' own professional quality, and the lack of knowledge and ability of teachers about the development of garden-based curriculum. Based on the above analysis of the problems and causes of teachers in the development of the kindergarten curriculum, this study suggests that teachers should improve their practical ability in the development of the kindergarten curriculum from the inside and outside environment of kindergarten and the teachers themselves. That is, to establish an effective support system outside the garden; Actively carry out different levels and forms of teacher post-service training to improve teachers' overall professional quality; strengthen teachers' understanding of the connotation and value of the curriculum; stimulate teachers' intrinsic motivation to participate in the development of garden-based curriculum; Improve teachers' own ability of curriculum development.
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