[Abstract]:This paper takes the urbanization process of Guangxi as the research background and studies the employment problem of the graduates of higher vocational colleges of architecture in Guangxi. The purpose of this paper is to provide useful help for the graduates of higher vocational colleges of architecture to realize their employment smoothly. Based on the statistical analysis of questionnaire survey data, this paper finds that: first, through the analysis of the employment opportunities and talent demand of vocational college graduates in the process of urbanization in Guangxi, At present, the cultivation of high-skilled architectural talents in Guangxi cannot meet the needs of Guangxi's economic and social development and construction, and it is also necessary to vigorously develop high-skilled architectural professionals with stronger practical and hands-on abilities according to the needs of their posts. Secondly, through in-depth investigation and comprehensive analysis, it is concluded that there is no difficulty in obtaining employment for the graduates of higher vocational colleges of construction, which is closely related to the national policy support, the development of the construction industry, the professional setting of schools, the social needs and so on. However, there are some differences in employment flow, employment units, employment positions and professional counterparts among graduates of different specialties and sexes. Thirdly, through the in-depth analysis of the reasons that affect the employment of the graduates of higher vocational colleges of architecture, combined with the actual situation of urbanization in Guangxi, this paper puts forward four countermeasures and suggestions to promote the employment of the graduates of higher vocational colleges of architecture. That is, by constantly perfecting the employment system, establishing the employment mechanism leading to the grass-roots level, making the graduates "have a good job", promoting the construction enterprise to develop vigorously, so that the graduates "can have a job"; Increase the investment of funds, deepen the reform of teaching, make the graduates "have the ability to work", strengthen the guidance of employment, make the graduates "have the pleasure of working".
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