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发布时间:2016-09-13 21:16


第14卷第1期 体 育 学 刊 Vol.14 No.1 2007 年 1 月 Journal of Physical Education Jan.2007 美国基础教育体育教师资格认证标准及其启示 29 张妙玲 (安阳工学院 体育部,河南 安阳 455000) 摘要: 不仅规定了体育教师的基本业务要 美国全国专业教学标准委员会为优秀教师制定的认证标准, 同时还强调了教师在课堂之外 而且强调了体育教师应当全身致力于学生的发展与学习; 专业知识技能; 求、 阐述了美国优 通过对美国基础教育体育教师资格认证标准进行归纳与分析, 应具备的协作能力与科研能力。 秀体育教师所应当具备的基本专业素质及其在基础体育领域中的新思想、新观念。 关 键 词: 体育教师; 认证标准; 美国 中图分类号:G811.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116200701-0105-03 US standards for certifying the qualification of physical education teachers for basiceducation and enlightenment therein ZHANG Miao-ling (Department of Physical Education,Anyang Institute of Technology,Anyang 455000,China) Abstract: The key to successful educational reform is the teachers. In order to enhance the quality of basic educa- tion, US National Professional Teaching Standard Committee has established stringent standards for certifying ex- cellent teachers, which not only specified the requirements of basic business as well as specialized knowledge and skills for physical education teachers, but also emphasized that physical education teachers should devote them- selves to student development and learning, and that the teachers should have the extracurricular capabilities of co- operation and scientific research. By summarizing and analyzing the US standards for certifying the qualification of physical education teachers for basic education, the author expatiated on the basic professional makings which ex- cellent US physical education teachers should have, as well as their new ideas and con





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