本文关键词:云南省昆明市五华区幼儿园叙事教学的实践探索 出处:《云南师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Narrative teaching is a new teaching method, which is accompanied by the upsurge of early reading and the introduction of foreign narrative intelligence theory. In the foundation stage of basic education, the stage of preschool education, narrative occupies a unique and important position in the field of preschool education. Narrative widely exists in children's daily life and collective teaching activities. It is the most intimate partner of children, and also an important way of children's inner world. Young children learn from stories, enjoy stories and grow up in stories, and narrative teaching is an important bridge between children and stories. "The stories we have heard, the stories we tell, will determine what we will be people in the future," said Susan Nje, a child narrating researcher. The close relationship between Narration and young children provides a good opportunity for us to study and educate young children. Therefore, the author believes that the narrative may provide a new way of thinking for the teaching practice of 3-6 year old kindergarten. Based on the survey, we collected data through literature, observation and interview, trying to understand the current situation of narrative teaching practice in kindergartens, and find out the existing problems, and put forward suggestions. The full text is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction. This part mainly expounds the origin of the topic, the literature review, the research purpose and the research method. The research mainly adopts three research methods: literature, interview and observation. Through field visits to kindergartens, we can understand the status quo of narrative teaching in kindergartens, so as to analyze and propose countermeasures. The second part is the overview of the theory. This part mainly discusses the three theoretical models of narrative teaching, in order to further clarify the connotation and essential characteristics of narrative teaching. This paper is written in the way of theory inspiration. The theoretical part expounds the basic contents. The inspiration part answers the characteristics of preschool teaching and the existing knowledge and experience, and interprets the value orientation of narrative teaching theory -- self construction. The third, fourth part is the key part of the study, that is, the status and analysis of the research. To explore the current practice part is Wuhua District kindergarten narrative teaching, mainly including the background, practice path phase generated and the method of analysis is mainly based on Bronfenbrenner's theory of the ecology of human development, to in-depth analysis of the status of kindergarten teachers in the use of narrative teaching and problems from the effects of teachers' narrative teaching behavior, micro system intermediate system, system, system etc.. The fifth part is the reflection and Prospect of this study. This paper expounds the problems existing in the application of narrative teaching to the teaching of kindergartens in Wuhua District, the basic elements to be grasped and some suggestions for the follow-up practitioners.
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